Chapter 46

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Avery had been in her common room for the rest of the school year, she had barely talked to anyone, accept Professor draught, all they talked about was how to help Avery with her nightmares she has most nights.

Avery had been woken up on another sleepless night, she woke up to her alarm which went at 6:00am, but then wanted to just through it out the window. Avery got out of bed and went to the toilet and have a shower.

As she walked there she felt her feet being pressed against the slippery, ice cold floor which made her almost have hyperthermia. She went into a changing pod and undressed, she soon came out wearing her dressing gown she walked towards the bath and then saw moaning myrtle.

She sat in the bath and tried to relax. After she went back to the dressing cubicle and  got dressed she heard Hermione and Ginny walk in, Avery then came out with her clothes on and said "I over heard you talking." Hermione jumped and said "hi Avery, weird to see you here so early" Avery sighed.

Hermione and Ginny smiled and then Avery walked out holding her dressing down which was neatly folded. When she got back to the common room she saw Ruth one of her friend still trying to figure out the code.

"It's an elephant" the doors opened and Avery then said to Ruth "would you like me to teach you, you still need help" Ruth nodded and said "thank you" in her deep voice.

Avery went up to her bed to see that everyone else but Ruth and Avery were asleep. Avery put all her sanitary  things back into her trunk and heard Eva waking up. "Morning Eva" Ave said politely. Eva stretches and then got out of bed rubbing her eyes. "Morning" She said back.

Avery went over to Eva and hugged her saying "your kind of my friend parent, because you try and look after me, which is really nice if you."

"Yeah sure, I don't think I understand but I don't care"

"That's fine, I'm just saying that your a motherly person, and you always act as if your our own, i really like it" avery sits on the sofa when she walked down to the common room to see Ruth reading a book about riddles. Avery and Eva walked out after talking to Ruth about riddles and soon they went to the great hall where they saw, Abigail, arguing to malfoy. Avery walked up to them and shouted "SHUT IT" Abigail then stood next to Avery both glaring at Draco. "Draco you haven't changed a bit since you were a kid" avery said smirking. Draco walked of and Avery said to Abigail "should we sit at the Gryffindor table where Fred and George normally sit, and wait for them" avery said politely.

Abigail nodded and they walked towards the table. They sat down and Abigail said "Thanks, I didn't think I could handle hearing that annoying voice for much longer." Avery hugged Abigail and they took all the food they wanted and began eating. It took them about 5 minutes to eat 2 bowls full of cereal and a plate full of English breakfast each. Avery wiped her mouth with her tissue besides her and said "I didn't think i could have functioned that much into a breakfast." People around her laughed. After they had eaten all there food and walked around the school once, they decided to go see how the Gryffindor quidditch players were practicing. So they walked to the seats to see them all on the ground talking about tactics. Ave and abi looked directly at Fred and George and saw hermione sitting by herself, "hermione, come sit with us." Hermione Walked over and said "you too Okay, I feel tense today" avery looked at Abigail and said "yeah I'm okay, I feel tense too, I just don't know why though." Avery sighed and looked back towards Fred and George, "there about to start." Avery said as she stood up.

After the Gryffindor team finished practicing Avery and Abigail walked down the cold and suspicious stairs, to see Fred and George talking to Harry.

"Fred" avery said "your so good" fred sighed and said "thank you Avery" they all began to walk to there dormitories to collect there trunks.

Avery I carried her trunk down to the Great Hall and she walked her way as they sat at different tables. The students listened to Dumbledore as he gave the House cup to Gryffindor.

The doors opened and everyone turned as Hermione entered. She ran up to Harry and Ron, hugged Harry and shook Ron's hand. The doors opened once again and Hagrid walked in.

The whole Hall clapped, including Abigail, but the rest of the slytherins rolled their eyes and sneered.

As they got off the train, Avery was greeted by Mr and Mrs Weasley. Molly engulfed ave in a hug and Arthur patted her on the back and said, "It's good to have you back with us, Ave." Ave smiled and bundled in the small ford Angela with Abigail, Fred, George, Ginny and Ron.

Ave and Ron spoke to each other through the whole journey, Ron was filling Ave in on what had happened to her about Rhys. Ave felt bad telling Ron.

She would get revenge.

One day.

Avery's love life (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora