Chapter 36

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When Fred and George went to class, she sat with Dumbledore in his office and they talked about all sorts of things like Tom, Gildory Lockhart and what she wanted to do when she left Hogwarts. Ave hadn't decided what she wanted to do when she left. She didn't have time to think about it. Dumbledore gave her a few ideas and he said that if she did well in her final exams, she could become an Auror or a Professor in charms because she does her wingardium leviosa perfectly every time.

Ave woke up on a cold Saturday where she woken up by a twin who were serving her breakfast in bed. "You didn't have to guys"

"We did though, we have news" Fred said.

"It's about your body, the nurses believe that you have broke your leg"

Avery sighs and pulls her arms out for a hug. Fred walks over to her and hugs her awkwardly. When he finished hugging her, madam pomfrey walked over to the bed to say "you'll need to have crutches until we can fix you leg"

Avery starts to cry, she sits up and leans forward. "You'll need sleep, and you won't be able to go back to lesson until you've recovered, that can take a while"

"Will I be okay though"

"Yes if you listen to us, if you don't then you could die"

"How do I know I can trust everything you say though"

"We've been doing this job for longer than you have been born"

"Have you ever done this"

"Yes once"

"And how did that go"

"The person had to have her leg replaced, but she didn't die, she's still alive"

"Who is it"

"It was about 10 years ago, she's now an aurora, we still see each other now and then"

"Okay, ill do it."


"What should I do now then"

"Sleep, just sleep"

Fred kisses her head and left saying "don't die on me"

She never fed and smiled. She fell asleep straight away.


2 hours passed and Avery woke up-

"Madam Pomfrey, please help Ave, she collapsed and her arm is bleeding." The Nurse nodded and hurried behind Fred. She examined Avery's leg until she finally came to a conclusion.

"It's definately infected." Avery cried and  looked at Fred, worried. he held her hand, squeezing it lightly. Pomfrey applied some cream onto her arm to help with the pain, Avery began to scream. Madam pomfrey went in her office to think of a way of getting rid of the infection. Avery cried in freds arms, terrified. "Ave, I promise everything is going to be okay. I'll protect you." Ave leaned up and kissed him, she felt safe in his arms.

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