Chapter 44

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The twins waited for days, watching endlessly as Doctors and Nurses came in and out, running tests and scans on Avery and the baby.

On a warm Saturday morning, Ave woke up to a pain in her stomach. She clenched her fists and heard someone mutter 'ouch'. She opened her eyes and turned her head to see Fred. She relaxed her hand and blinked a couple of times, making sure that he was real."fred..." She croaked. Fred smiled and nodded.

Ave smiled and was about to say something else until pain shot through her stomach and she sat up too fast. Her breathing increased and the heart monitor started beeping.

Nurses rushed in and layed her down, flat on the bed. They got an oxygen mask and put it over ave's mouth and nose. Fred stood up as George walked in with two drinks.

"What's going on?" He asked as they were both pushed out of the room, the door closing behind them. "Ave woke up and I think her stomach was hurting. She started having a panic attack." Fred sat down and took the drink from George. Worry filled his eyes as he heard crying from the room that avery was in.

George sat down next to his twin and rubbed his back, soothingly. Fred kept drinking his drink his and started I burst into tears, George cuddled him.

An hour later, The Nurses walked out and one of them went over to the twins. Fred wiped his eyes and looked at the Nurse, eager for news.

"We removed the baby. I'm sorry Mr Weasley, she didn't make it." Fred frowned and stood up. George knew what he was thinking because he stood up as well. "Freddie, she meant the baby." Fred looked at George and then the Nurse. The Nurse nodded and Fred let out a sigh of relief. "Can I see her?" He asked,

blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. Once again, the Nurse nodded and Fred slowly walked into ave's room. She was turned on her side, not moving and from experience, he knew that she was awake. Fred slowly approached Ave and crouched in front of her.

Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she looked at Fred . "He kept doing it until I got pregnant. I tried to escape but every time I did, he kept hurting me."

Fred sighed and went round the other side of the bed. He laid down next to Avery and put his arm around her. "It's okay. I promise you, no one is going to hurt you again." Ave turned around to face him and she buried herself into his chest. Fred played with her hair until he knew she was sound asleep. He was going to keep her safe, no matter what it took.

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