i cant handle change - joshxgeorge

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josh laid on his bed, staring at the painting george gave him months ago. it was of a flower that he painted before he went to art classes in the states. josh turned to his side, sighing. he vividly remembers when he let his short lover, haunting himself with the memories.

josh sat in his, what he wanted to become, usual seat in ap art, sighing as the room filled with people. it was the middle of his freshman year, making moving to a new school even worse. he looked at his phone, looking up when someone stood by his desk. he looked up and met eyes with one of the prettiest boys he's ever seen, george. george cleared his throat, fixing his gaze on the floor.

"you're in my seat..."

josh blushed, scrambling to get out of the seat, embarrassment filling his face in shades of red.

"i'm sorry."

george just chuckled, telling josh he could have the seat next to his since no one sits there. josh accepted the offer, smiling widely.

"i'm josh."

george grinned, shaking josh's outstretched hand.

"i'm george."

josh smiled at the memory of george's flushed face and blue eyes. he was so in love with him, everything about him. josh turned to his side, remembering their first date.

"george, where are we going?"

josh stared out of the window, colorful lights passing his view as the sunset for the night. he was so intrigued by everything
passing him that he didn't notice that george had parked the car. george got out first, running around the car and opening josh's door.

josh slid his hand into george's, smiling as his lover swung their hands. josh grinned as he saw all of the fair rides's lights dance in the dark. george watched josh in amusement, insanely in love with josh. george bit his lip as he pulled josh close, smiling as the boy blushed.

josh wiped his eyes, not realizing he was crying. he sighed and pulled george's sweatshirt closer to him. he was scared that they weren't going to get back together, scared that he was still in love with someone who wasn't in love with him anymore.

josh sat up, standing on his bed and pulling the painting off of his wall. he sat on his bed, pulling the art piece into his chest and crying. he missed george. he cried as he held the painting tighter, not caring about anything else. he pulled it away from his body, looking sadly at the art as he thought back to when everything fell apart.

josh pulled open his front door, smiling as he saw his boyfriend on the other side. he noticed george didn't bring his backpack like he always did when he spent the weekend at josh's. josh let the male in, panicking slightly.

george slid his hand into his back pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper. josh opened the paper, smiling at the beautiful painting of asters and sunflowers, josh's favorites. he smiled at george, not getting one in return. instead, josh was given a sad look. josh frowned, grabbing george's hand and leading him to his bed, when it all fell apart.

josh felt his chest tighten, sitting on his floor now. he screamed as small moments with george filled his head. he was scared, scared of everything. he feared that george wouldn't come back for him. he threw the painting on the floor next to him, pushing his hair back as he cried. everything was troubling.

"george, what's going on?"

"i'm so sorry, joshy."

josh stared at his boyfriend, frowning. he was so anxious, hands shaking as he pushed george's hair back. he felt like he was going to throw up.

"i'm going to university..."

"oh georgie! that's so good! i'm so proud of you!"

george felt his stomach drop as josh wrapped his arms around him, sighing into the other boy's shoulder. george felt disgusting, leaving josh behind while he perused his dreams.

"josh, i'm leaving next week."

josh pulled away, teary eyed as his lover looked him in the eyes. he felt his world crumble under him, powerless. oh, josh.

josh sat next to george, silent as he picked at his jeans. he felt like an idiot, letting something so wonderful tear him apart.

"josh, i'm so sorry."

george sighed, kissing josh's head as he stood up. he made his way to out of josh's room, informing him he'd text him later. josh just silently nodded, scared of crying. he felt stupid.

later that night, josh decided to end it. he texted george a simple

"i can't do this anymore. i love you, georgie. forever."

josh bit his lip, grabbing his phone. he scrolled through his old messages with george, surprised he hasn't blocked him yet or vice versa. his finger hovered over the call button, sighing as he pressed down. the phone rang for a little while, anxiety filling josh as he saw the call was accepted. here we go, josh.


george's voice was a bit deeper, accent different. josh just was confused.


josh heard some movement, a soft sigh on the other end. josh was definitely confused.

"no, this is james. george left his phone in my room while we were hanging out, hold on."

josh felt weird, must be his flat mate though. george really was growing up.


josh felt his stomach turn, butterflies filling him as he heard his ex lover's voice.



george's eyes widened, startling james. george waved james off, feeling his body tense as he heard josh's soft voice. he missed him, them together.

"i miss you. i've been wearing your sweatshirt, staring at your painting. i miss you so much, georgie."

george smiled, feeling like there was a chance to start right back where they left off.

"i love you, josh."

"i love you too, george."

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