To Us

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Everyone in the area looked up to see the head of the newly famous outreach program Sprouts standing up on the stage, holding a wine glass in his hand.

"May I propose a toast?"

The crowd cheered as the groom spoke into his microphone.

"Go ahead, brother-in-law!"

Alecai shot Asa a look, before nervously looking at Via, who was giving him an unreadable expression.

"To Asa and Molly, may they live happily, for this life and any that follows."

The crowd cheered and Alecai stepped off the stage, coming to Via's side.

"What's this I hear, partner?"

"Haha. . . don't mind what Asa said."

Via smiled, she was only teasing him, yet he still got flustered.

"I said it the day I was released from the hospital and I'll say it again. We can be whatever we want to be."

Alecai only kissed her in response.

"Hey hey hey, whose wedding is this anyway? What kind of a friend are you, stealing the show with your man?"

Via broke away from the kiss, placing her hand on Molly's shoulder.

"Yours. It's all yours. Plus you're the lucky one, parter to the head chef of Chloe."

At this, Molly smiled indignantly.

"Of course I'm lucky. But he's even luckier. Look at how cute I am."

"Yes, you are right. But. . . cute is not the word I would use--" Asa led Molly away, whispering in her ear and making her laugh, gently pushing his shoulder.

In the past four years, much had changed.

Asa and Molly began working together and were able to bring Chloe to the forefront as one of the most successful restaurants in history.

After that, they decided they were ready to start a family.

James and Maix finally came out with their relationship and were the first couple to marry, adopting two adorable curly-haired girls.

Lucas continued to carry out The Loft's legacy. And to his grandfather's surprise, gave much of his fortune up to make Lofts a public game—allowing thousands to access the educational services on it.

Even Gavin had moved on, giving up his position as the head of Royce Enterprises and starting a school for young, disadvantaged entrepreneurs.

As for Via and Alecai. . .

Laughing, Via playfully made Alecai run with her to their garden.

After Via was released from the hospital, they began living together. Alecai decided to resign at Espeji corp, passing the position to one other than his loyal best friend, James Kemp (Maix was so proud).

He then devoted most of his time to Sprouts, Vai, and his partner.

Via, similarly learned to balance her time. As a result, she and Alecai were able to work together to successfully make VAI one to the most popular games, accessible by all.

Slightly out of breath, Via sat down with Alecai, putting her head on his shoulder.

Reaching up and looking into his eyes, seeing him smile approvingly, Via kissed him.

"Wait." She suddenly pulled away.

"What is it?"

"Let's make a final toast."

"Hey wait for us!"

Via sat up to see her brothers, Molly, Lucas and James running at them.

"To our happiness."

"Aye! To our partners!"

"To living the way you want to."

"To our children."

"To us."

. . .


Dear readers,

Thank you so much for reading this story. I'm not sure I can even express how much it means for me to be able to share this story, and coming from a writer, that means a lot!

This has been one tiring, exciting, and lovely journey. Thank you all for riding it out with me.

This was my first story, so I am definitely still working out many of the details!

I'll definitely keep writing in the future (though I haven't decided on which story I will pursue next), so keep an eye out for more of my work. Please follow me if you would like to be updated when I do post my next story!

Lastly, please support me by sharing my work, following me, voting, commenting, or . .  . buy me a coffee -> [I promise I'll love you forever]

<3 Ares

Finished August 9th, 2019

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