A New Beginning

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"Who is that?" 

"A transfer?"

"Why isn't she wearing a uniform?"

"But she's so young?"

As Via walked into Theradin with Maix she had to hide my smile. These kids were the same as before. Always gossiping once given the chance. Having gone through school with them once, Via was unfazed.

Seeing her confident expression, Maix smiled helplessly.

"This way please," said the secretary politely.

Giving Maix an innocent smile, Via sweetly grabbed his hand and followed him into the principle's office.

"Are you sure about this girl?" The principle was a strict middle-aged woman. In my past life, I remembered meeting with her. 

"Hello miss Dos," the woman greeted me warmly. I stared at her in surprise as I expected her to scold me and uttered a polite hello.

"Do you know why you are here today?"

"No, ma'am," Via answered, confused.

"Your scores are excellent my dear. The highest our school has ever seen." Via was startled. She knew that she was doing well in her studies but to be the top of the school. . . 

"I want to recommend you to a colleague of mine who can take you as his protege."

Via stared at her in confusion, not understanding what she was saying. 

"T-this isn't a joke right?" Forgetting all proper etiquette, Via blurted out her concerns. 

"No not at all my dear," she said patiently.

"I will give you two weeks to decide. If you choose to go, all expenses will be paid for you. If you decide to stay, you shall continue your lessons here as before." 

Leaving the office in a daze, a phrase kept going through Via's head. 

"The highest our school has ever seen," she whispered to myself. 

But what about Gavin? 


She couldn't leave him.

The next day Via gave principle her answer confidently, ignoring her surprised looks. 

This is the right choice, she told herself. By staying here, you will be able to stay by Gavin's side.

After that encounter, Via made an effort to lower her grades. Since her only goal was to stay with Gavin, losing a few points for him to remain on top did not bother her. After all, everything she did was for him. 

"Miss Dos?"

"My apologies headmaster, my sister is a bit nervous today," Maix smiled as he gently nudged Via.

Via gave Maix a sweet smile and politely answered her former headmaster.

"Yes, confident Ma'am."

She gave Via a familiar surprised look, sighed, and then stood from her desk. 

"Very well, follow me."

As she brought Via to an empty classroom, the headmaster repeatedly explained to me that "if it weren't for her brother, she would not be allowing this as Theradin simply did not let students test out  of their program." 

Via only gave her a polite smile, nodding every once in a while. From her past impression of the headmaster, Via knew that the she did not like extra trouble, but respected students who went looking for opportunities on their own. Thus, Via knew that the older woman was not truly against her actions.

"Come pick your sister up in four hours," she said before sending Maix off to his lessons. 

She then went to the classroom next door and after ten minutes, came back with four thick packets.

"Writing, reading, mathematics, and science. You will be demonstrating your skill in these four subjects today." As she gave Via instructions for the test, Via could tell that she was watching her reaction and thus kept her facial expression neutral. 

As a former student, Via was invaded with the headmaster's strictness and the test format. 

When the principle left,  Via promptly began answering the questions. 

Here's to a new beginning. Via thought to herself as she breezed through the questions. 

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