Free Reign

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"Hey Mr. Lofter."

". . . "

Leo Lofter chuckled, seeing the three young people come into his office, all with different greetings. 

Molly, of course, was warm and friendly. Maix, casual, but respectful. And Via. As if it were here's, she walked into the office following Molly and Maix and sat down in the small leather sofa without as much as a greeting. 

"I'm sorry I'm taking up your guys' lunch break, but I have some important news for you guys."

In response to Leo's greeting, Molly and Maix immediately began reassuring the kind businessman that 'it was alright' and 'they missed lunch all the time,' while they stole  glances at Via. 

"Alright, I know you Via, and I know Asa's bringing food for lunch so I'll be quick." The old man's eyes shone with mirth as he glanced at Via. 

"Great job on creating, designing, and maintaining The Loft's game, Lofts. Over these past few years, our company's sale have skyrocketed, as well as the number of users of that game. You three have done well, impressing this old man. And now that I am ready to retire and hand things off to my grandson, I want to give you three free reign. You can have any reasonable position here at The Loft, or if that isn't what you want, I will assist you in what you would like to pursue, it's the least I can do."

At this, even Via's eyes widened. She was astonished on how good Leo's timing was. 

Just when I was thinking of asking him for help with creating my own company. 

"Thank you for all your help Mr. Lofter, but I have already accepted an offer at a different company."

Leo looked up at Molly, a look of approval on his face.

"Where will you be working?"

At this Molly hesitated, a small smile coming onto her face.

"I'm the head of marketing and design at Chloe."

Leo could only congratulate her. 

"I also have a position set up. I have worked with an uh. . . friend to found several designs schools in developing areas. Our revenue comes from orders of this new solar-powered computer that we've made."

"You created a new type of computer?" Leo teased the young man.

"We had help. . . from Via."

Leo looked at Via who shrugged from the couch.

"What about you Via? Where do you have a job set up?"

"I'm not employed."


"Yes. I've started my own company. I hope Lucas will collaborate with us."

Leo started laughing. 

This girl. I'm not even out of the office and she's already planning to collaborate with my successor?

He shook his head, he was just glad Via worked for The Loft when she did.

"Well you know where to find me."

"Aren't you going to tell me to ask if I need your help?"

"We both know you will."

Via left Leo's office smiling, a strange feeling in her chest.

This is it. I am truly free now.

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