No One Important

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Four Years Later. . .



Via sighed staring at her newest simulation and lay her head on Maix shoulder. Smiling softly, she felt her older brother snoring. While Via had taken a break from working freelance to work on the simulations, Maix was doing both. 

These last few days, he couldn't seem to catch a break. This day had been the first day he was able to step away from the office, making Via come with him to a park nearby. 

"Ah, Maix I think I destroyed Theradin. . . again."

"W-what?" Via laughed seeing Maix's disoriented expression.

"The school. It exploded."

"What? Why did you do that?"

"Sorry, I'll work on the code more before trying to test it out on the simulation." Via shot Maix an apologetic look.

"As if you mean that." Maix huffed, running his hands through his messy dark hair and got up. Over the years, Maix's formerly golden hair had turned darker, complementing his strong features.

He came back with his coat on, carrying Via's.

"Let's go."

"What?" now it was Via's turn to be confused.

"But I was just getting started?" she stared at her brother, pleading with her dark almond shaped eyes.

"No, I need a break, especially since you just destroyed the school."

Giving her brother a sly smile that made his formerly frustrated expression turn even more ugly, Via took her coat and ran outside, leaving Maix to catch up with her.

. . .

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" James ran like an excited child at a theme park. Next to him, Alecai stood still. Clad in joggers and a black fitted hoodie, the strict businessman looked incredibly uncomfortable.

"Where do you want to go?" James gave his friend a wicked smile and began listing off all the places he wanted to visit. On any other day, no one in the world would be able to get Alecai to leave his office, much less visit the park in such attire. However, as it was James' eighteenth birthday, he complied with his friend's wishes.

Sighing to himself, Alecai turned to find James no longer by his side and ran to catch up to the childish man.

. . .

"Okay, what about a zoo in an executive's office?" although Maix had succeeded in convincing Via to leave their house, he wasn't able to get her to leave her work.

Trying his best to tune out Via, Maix looked around the park. It seemed that he had chosen the perfect day as there was only another pair by them. At a closer glance, he noticed that the pair was composed of two young men, both around his age. Whereas one of the men seemed to be talking to himself, the other man who looked very uncomfortable in the sports clothes he was wearing, followed the first man reluctantly.

"So? What do you think?"

"What do I think of what?" Maix turned around and gave his sister an innocent smile.

"Never mind, I'll just construct the zoo on my own" Via turned away from Maix in indignation. In her spite, Via failed to see the tall figure of James Kemp and thus crashed into him.

"Are you alright?" seeing that the man was dressed in casual sports clothes, and not recognizing him from her past life, Via deemed him a common student. Offering him a soft smile, she put out her hand.

"Thanks. I'm fine. . . but I'm not sure if your headset is." James took her slender hand, smiling at her politely.

"What happened James?" Breathing out the chilly morning air, Alecai came up them and looked at Via in surprise.

Watching James examine her headset, Via paid little attention to the newcomer. Although she had never met the man before, she saw the guilt in his expression seeing her expensive headset on the ground and thus let him check it out.

It won't do any harm. He is only curious after all.

"Whoa, what is this? Hey isn't this your office?" looking through the headset, James was astonished to see a lively theme park in his workplace. With all the time he spent using high quality technology, James had never seen something like that before.

Alecai turned to James, tearing his gaze away from the young girl who looked to be around fifteen.

"Oh it's working! That's great. Sorry about the visuals, that's just a little project I'm working on. . ."

Just a little project? Who is this girl? Even though he was mostly skilled in the field of business, James still met many skilled people in the field of technology and never had he seen such vivid (and not to mention hilarious) simulations.

"You need to see this Cai!" Pulling Alecai's arm, James all but shoved the headset on the disgruntled man's head.

Shooting Via an apologetic smile and only keeping the headset on when she offered him an encouraging smile seeing that he also looked like a harmless student, Alecai looked into the headset.

What he saw shocked him. His office, displayed exactly as if was was filled with water slides, swings, and cotton candy stands. No one was allowed into his office without permission. How did such a simulation get released? While he did not see any private files lying around, Alecai felt alarmed seeing the detailed scene in front of him.

He pulled off the headset but did not give it back to Via.

"Who released this simulation?" he asked her.

"No one, it's just a little project I've been working on." Via gave the student a confused look. Perhaps he wasn't a student? This man spoke with a type of authority most student did not have.

"This simulation contains personal information. How are you affiliated with Espeji Corporation?"

"I'm not. I made the simulation with my older brother while basing it off of my own experiences." At this point Via was was intrigued. She built the simulation off of one of the top executive's offices she had seen while with Gavin in her past life. She thought it would be funny as space was so bland and stifling, to add in a little color and life to it.

"Besides, who are you anyways?" Via turned toward the man with a suspicious look in her eye.

James looked at Alecai and was about to answer for his friend, not wanting to expose their identities when the man spoke, surprising everyone.

"My name is Alecai."

"So you are the head of Espeji corporation?" Via's prompt follow up question surprised the man.

He half expected the young girl to be surprised at his answer as few people knew of his full name at that point.

"How do you know that?" Via only gave him a sly smile.

"Well if that is all, I need to be going now. If you like the simulation, you can contact me, here is my card. Otherwise, it was nice to meet you." With that, Via left the two men stunned behind her, catching up with a surprised Maix who held a steaming up of coffee to her.

"Who was that?" he asked her, concerned.

"Oh no one important."

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