The End

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"Via, please wake up. Asa and I have really important news to share with you. Please? He even said he would cook for you as much as you like."

"Yeah, hey sis, can you hear us? We miss you. Like crazy. So please, don't make us worry."

. . .

"Via, sister, how can I trust you on your own. You leave for a few days and end up in the hospital. Ah, but even if you do wake up, I admit that I do trust you. I'm just worried. And I can't even blame Cai, not even if I want to for stealing you away. He loves you a lot, you know? And he's not the same anymore. He still takes care of his basic needs—this you probably expected, after all you would never get together with a man foolish enough to ruin himself for no reason—but he's a faded version of himself. He's worried about you. We all are. Please, we need you."

. . .

"Hey Via, remember last time we met like this and I bought you a laptop? Well, I'm not sure what you would like now, I mean you already took Espeji from me. . . but whatever it is, as long as you open your eyes, I promise to give it to you."

. . .

"Via, remember when you told me, 'you're worth it?' Please get up Via, not for us, but for yourself. Because you're worth every bit of it."

. . .

"You foolish child. Why won't you get up? This old man will personally sponsor you if you do.

But of course, you know that already. If not for this then, do it for that boy. He's taking care of himself, but all of us can tell he isn't the same person without you. Just one more time, could you play the hero?"

. . .

"Via. . . there's something I never got to tell you. I'm not sure when I realized it. I think it was gradually. From our walks in our garden, when you stayed at my flat, and when you left that one time, but I love you. So much, that I don't know what to do right now. Last time, you played the hero. No. That's wrong. You are a hero. You've always been one. You saved me Via. And I'm not just talking about the accident. So I know this is a lot to ask, but please, can you do it again? I need you. We need you Via."

His hair ruffled and the clean dress shirt he had slipped on wrinkled, Alecai's troubled state of mind shone through in his appearance.

Sighing, he gently set down Via's hand.

It had already been two months. He wasn't sure when she would wake up. The doctors gave her three months. Any longer, and it was likely that she would be in a long term coma.

"I miss you Via. So much."

Alecai turned away from her, burying his head in his hands.

"I-I miss you too."

Slowly, Alecai lifted his head, staring at Via's eyes in surprise.

As she was just beginning to regain feeling in her body, Via slowly blinked at him.

"Y-you, you're awake."

At this, Via let out a strained laugh.

"It's nice to see you're alright. You kn--"

She stopped speaking when she saw Alecai's face.

"Oh, why are you crying? I'm fine, see?"

Via lifted up her arm, ignoring the stiffness she felt in her body and shot Alecai a light smile.

"Promise me."

Via smiled.


"Stay with me. Move in."

"I will as soon as I can move."

Alecai broke into a smile at that.

Everything would be all right now.

When Asa, Maix, Molly and the rest of their friends came in, they were met with a sight of the two smiling foolishly at one another.

. . .

In the opposite wing of the hospital was an empty room. On the bed, a young girl lay, her entire body bandaged.

A nurse came in to check up on her.

Shaking his head, the nurse frowned when he saw her information.

What a shame. She was so young. And to have no visitors nonetheless.

But in this world, those who did not take control of their own lives often met such an ending. Yes. Her ending was sad, but she was not to be pitied. Aside from the actions of those around her, her choices were her own. She was responsible for her own happiness and thus, also her own pain.

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