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"Don't you get it? He doesn't want  you. He never did and never will. How foolish, for you to pursue a man like Gavin."

Staring down at Via's bruised body and torn clothes, Sophie sneered. 

Via stared up at Sophie Samuels' beautiful figure, hurt, betrayal and confusion on her face. Why would her friend say such a thing to her when she knew about Via's interest in Gavin. How could Sophie say such a thing when she saw how Via did everything just to get Gavin's attention? 

The worst thing?  Sophie was right. Via would never be good enough for Gavin. No matter how hard she worked. 

Fool. She was such a fool.

. . . 

"Come on Via! It'll be fun! Think of it as our last moment before we officially become adults."

"What are you talking about Molly? We're already adults. We're 19."

Molly smiled at Via sheepishly as she shamelessly tugged on her friend's shirt. 

"Well maybe you're ready to be an adult, but I'm not."

Via scoffed, playfully tugging on Molly's braid. This morning, Molly had burst into their office at The Loft, asking her to come to an etiquette camp that apparently was tradition for Molly's family. 

"You're right. You're the most childish person I know."

Molly laughed, pushing Via's hands away.

"More so than Maix?"

Via's face twisted up. 

"Um. . . no"

Molly smirked before her expression became serious again.

"Seriously though. At least think about it? Gavin's obviously going to go with Sophie. . ."

"What is this? A dance?"

"Ha ha. No, but it will be good for future business experience? You spend so much time in your work that you haven't had the time to have fun."

"You think an etiquette camp is fun?"

"Well. . . I'll be there. . . and we can make fun of all the strange things we have to learn together!"

Via shook her head at Molly's logic, turning back to her computer.

"Ladies and. . . where's Maix?"

Smiling, Leo Lofter strode into the office.

"Hi Mr. Lofter!"

"Hey Leo."

Leo chuckled at the difference between the two greetings. 

As per usual, he smiled at them both, telling Molly to call him Leo. 

As for Via. . . he supposed a greeting was better than nothing, which is what the girl gave to most people. 

"The camp will be good for you Via."

Via glared at Leo. 

Ignoring the Via's silent pouting, Leo continued.

"It'll be good for you. All this time you've spent getting your degree and you've never had lessons on manners, which will be useful for future negotiations."

Via sighed, as if the thought of attending such a camp was already enough of a burden to her. 

"I'll think about it."

"I can get Lucas to go with you?"

Molly laughed at that and even Via had a smile tugging on her lips. Leo looked at the two girls in confusion, unaware of what was going through their minds.

"That boy in an etiquette camp! Why that'll surely make my day."

Via laughed along with Molly, picturing Lucas spending time away from the work he practically breathed to learn which fork was the right one to use when eating certain salads. 

"That's tempting, but it'll take more than that to get me to go to that camp. Also, Maix is MIA today so better get on him."

Molly turned to Via, exasperated. 

"How can you not know where your own brother is? You live together."

Via shrugged, ignoring Molly's incredulity.

Pushing past Molly, Via stood up to leave. 

"Where are you going?"


"Wait!" Leo called after her. A few employees nearby peeked into the office and once seeing Via, shook their heads in understanding. There were few people Leo Lofter would bother chasing after, and to their dismay, Via Dos was one of them. 

"Look, you want to start your own company right?"

Via looked back at the old man in surprise.

"As much as I hate to do it, I'll let you go after this. You can use the resources here to start. I'll support you in any way I can. Just please go to this camp. You're skilled in many aspects, but even Lucas knows the basics of etiquette that you need for business."


Leo smiled at Via. 

"Because I'm old and advancement is more important to me than greed now. When you have seen and done the things I have, you learn that there are more valuable things in life than money."

Via's expression softened. She walked back into the room. 

"Alright. I suppose a couple of months won't hurt."

Molly smiled, secretly fist-bumping Leo as Via exited the room. 

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