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Inside a the tall, established building labeled The Loft, a young girl stood. Surrounded by the leading experts of virtual reality of the time, she stood still while looking through the game in the headset.

Finally, after nearly an hour of analyzing the game, she looked up at the unimpressed expressions on the workers faces.

"This little girl, who is she to lead this project?"

"Exactly! I had to work for years to get this far and now she can just come in and get it?"

"I don't even know her but I already hate her!"

Via looked each of the scornful experts in the eye.

"Your program is mediocre. The concept itself has potential, but the way you people have implemented it makes it dull."

". . . " 

The experts looked at each other in shock. No one had ever criticized them so harshly. Most, if not all of them had been born in high society and only achieved more admiration while advancing in their careers.

"See, right here, the code is weak. If released to the public, a hacker could disrupt the program and alter it in possibly harmful ways. Also, the players can choose what to buy, but the program seems to encourage them to buy certain things."

The head expert decided to speak up at this moment.

"What is wrong with promoting the company products. We always want to encourage users to use only our products."

"There is nothing wrong with promoting company products, but The Loft sells many types of products. By encouraging users to only buy what you deem as the most popular items, you are isolated a large portion of the population that may feel offended with these suggestions. I suggest you give users recommendations based off of their search history. As designers and programmers, you must have an open mind for all types of customers."

". . ."

Once again the experts were struck speechless. Not only did the girl that looked like a high school student point out a weakness in their code, but her suggestions were also logical. 

If this is what the new generation is like, then I might as well step back now. . . This kid is really too scary!

Seeing the head expert allow Via to continue her work, the other experts, although stunned, did the same and left the room.

. . . 

"A minute, Miss Via?"


After seeing the young girl work tirelessly on the project, Leo Lofter was thoroughly impressed. Thus, he allowed her to address him as she pleased. 

Normally, he would not have disturbed the young girl as he knew she was most productive without any interruptions. However, today was a special occasion. 

In the past week Leo had struck gold. At a recent art show he met  Maix and Molly, two young talented graphic designers who agreed to work for him. 

With these three working together, this new project will set world records! 

Leo smiled to himself in joy. Who knew that meeting Via Dos would be the greatest achievement of his lifetime.

"I have someone I would like you to meet."

A young girl who looked to be 16 years old walked into the office. With light hair and bright eyes, she gave off the image of an innocent beauty. Behind her stood a tall young man with dark hair and topaz colored eyes. While he looked to be older than both Via and the young girl, the man couldn't have been over 20 years old.  

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