Update 1-23-2021

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Hey everyone,

Thank you all so so much for the love and support you've given Thirty Years! When I wrote this story 2 years ago (yes I can't believe it's been that long either), I didn't think much about it and just dove right into the story. I didn't know that the stories of Via, Alecai, and their family and friends would reach so many people. 

Since then, I took a while off to work on my second story (cue my cheesy plug). There's a common saying in the community that if you get your first story done, it's the second one that's really hard!

The past year, in particular, got me thinking about the impact of my work here and the community I've grown to love. A lot of people are saying that it's been harder to connect to people without face-to-face interaction, zoom isn't great, etc. and I get that. But at the same time, I was lucky enough to have come across Wattpad and met all you guys. 

Initially, I thought I was just going to post my work here and have it be more of a one-sided, blog-like hobby of mine, but the past year has me convinced that this can be so much more. 

So I'll cut to the chase--finally, I know--feel free to message me personally, use my message board, or the comments section for this chapter for whatever means you want to have that sense of community. 

Whether it's kdrama recs, reading recs, shoutouts to your work or something fun you've done today--I'm all ears!

A few guidelines to keep it a safe and welcoming space for everyone:

Please only post relevant information when commenting on my story chapters in any of my work (so every non-A/N chapter) just to be respectful of the reading/discussion space.

Do not post inappropriate content [advertisements, profanity, mature content, bullying, harassment, etc.]. I will be monitoring these spaces so if you violate any one of these or are suspected of doing so action will be taken. 

That being said, I hope you all are doing well and want to thank you, again, for staying with me through this journey!

If you want to stick around, there's some Q&A and some prompts below:

Some prompts and a bit of Q&A:

What are your fav kdramas and cdramas? 

[as I'm writing this, I've really enjoyed watching Doldolsolsollalasol and anticipating The Oath of Love--starring Xiao Zhan!]

Any other story recs? What about translated novel recs?

[Personally, I like reading translated novels. Some people have mistaken Thirty Years for one--it's not but I take it as a compliment lol. It's also not a cnovel by definition bc well, I can't write in Chinese guys buttt read it as you like--just make sure you don't forget that it's an original work. 

As for recs, my favorite is Hello, Wife, a translated slice-of-life novel about two people who didn't know they were perfect for each other. I have a few others, in my 'favorites' reading list to check that out.]

How are you feeling today? 

[I'm feeling hopeful for the next few months but also a bit isolated. This is oddly specific, but I go ice skating outside a lot, and it occurred to me today that I'd really like to go with someone again rather than alone.]

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