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Three months later.

"Bahaha you look ridiculous in that Maix."

"What? I think it looks cute."

". . ." Molly gave James a look.

"Haha, I just wanted to see the look on his face."

Over in the Dos family house, Molly and James argued over Maix's current outfit. Using the excuse of the festivities, James had bought Maix a new sweater.

Poor Maix had unknowingly put it on, thanking James for the gift before he walked into the living room without looking in the mirror. As soon as she saw what the sweater said, Molly burst out laughing, spitting her drink on Alecai who gave her a withering glare.

The sweater James gave to Maix had a blown-up line drawing of James's face on it and little red hearts all over it. 

Looking down, Maix realized his mistake and groaned before he turned to James, who was laughing with Molly. 

"You--" Maix began chasing James as he ran out of the house and into their backyard.

. . . 

Meanwhile in the Dos family kitchen. . . 

"Did you remember to get the drinks?"


"Oh, and did you call Lucas? I think he got lost."

"Yeah, Leo found him and they're coming together."

"You are so good." Reaching up to Alecai's cheek, Via helped him wipe off some frosting. 

Alecai watched her, smiling back at her.

For the past few months after Via returned to The Loft, they went back to their usual schedule. 

However, after the incident, it was clear that there were some unsaid words between the two. 

Both were shaken by the incident and forced to reevaluate their current relationship. 

On her side, Via hadn't had the time to clearly think through their relationship. She knew that just because her relationship with Gavin in the past didn't work out, doesn't mean that any relationship she decides to pursue won't. However, despite knowing that, Via feels insecure inside. At least at this point, she wasn't ready to be in another relationship. 

Right now, she was comfortable with how things were with Alecai. Now that she didn't have to worry about her brothers, she could focus on developing her own career. Above all else, Via strongly believed that in order to be able to take care of others, you have to first take care of yourself. 

On the other side, Aleca, while without the experiences Via has, had never engaged in such a relationship before. He wasn't ignorant or shy, but understood the importance of knowing what you are getting into when starting a relationship. While he did want to have such a relationship with Via, he understood that it made more sense for them to wait.


The pair began working again in the kitchen, pulled from their thoughts as the timer for the oven rang. 

Grabbing a towel on the counter, Via walked over to take the cake out of the oven.

"Let's finish making this frosting so that Asa can do his magic on it."

"Making him work on his birthday. You sure are a cruel sister."

"Hey, I worked this morning. I even sent out an update for Sprouts! You wish  you were as productive as I was."

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