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"Woah, this is so cool!" Via laughed at the surprised expression on Asa's face. 

After seeing the display at Trinity Mall, Via went home inspired. She immediately ordered the latest VR headset, upgraded the computers she had at home and recruited Maix's help in developing a new series of simulations. 

Since she and her brothers were finished (at least at that moment) with their schooling, they began to explore their interests. Asa began to post his recipes online after graduating from an accelerated course at a nearby culinary school. Maix, like Via worked freelance, designing posters, book covers, and advertisements for companies online. 

The series of simulations Via developed with Maix drew on their, or rather his, time at Theradin. The elegance of the school was enhanced by Maix. Looking around the school with the headset, one could see all the details of the school clearly. However, instead of books and desks, the school was held theme park activities on the inside. 

As Asa gazed at the realistic sparking staircase that Maix turned into a giant water slide and the swing set turned rollercoaster in astonishment, Via shot Maix and sly smile. 

Her older brother could only smile helplessly, It seemed his younger sister did have a sense of humor after all. 

. . . 

"How does this look Gavin?"

"It looks fine Sophie."

"Oh wait, what about this one?"

"That's fine."

Looking away from the mirror in frustration, Sophie ungracefully plopped down on the smooth leather couch Gavin sat in. 

"Were you even looking?"

". . ."

At just twelve years old, Sophie was already obsessed with her appearance. While she was born with naturally clear skin and soft curly hair, she often expressed her insecurities as was the habit of the elite heiresses. 

Although he found her innocent appearance endearing at first, Gavin soon grew tired of Sophie. 

As her fiance, however, Gavin had to accompany her to public events and thus was forced to shop with her in preparation for her entrance into Theradin. 

Sighing softly, Gavin turned away from Sophie.

"I'll wait for you outside."

Whatever, he can do what he wants.

Giving up on her Fiance, Sophie returned to shopping happily. 

I don't need him anyways. I'm only marrying him because it is father's wish. But perhaps I should go after him? After all, father may be mad and when father is mad. . .

While Sophie herself had no feelings for Gavin, she felt immense pressure to impress him and to attract his attention when around her family. If it were her choice, she would not want to even think about marrying at this point. 

. . . 

"For someone so young he sure is serious."

"Ah, but at least he is handsome."

"Yes, if only he as older. . ."

The college aged interns laughed to themselves as they watch the young Espeji heir working. 

"I trust you ladies are done with your work?" startled, the young women quickly scurried back to copying papers. 

"Why do you keep them here Cai?" Alecai gave his vice president, James Kemp a slight smile. 

"Connections," was his only reply.

Sighing at his friend's reply, James returned to his work. Even after going to school with the cold man for six years, he still did not understand his friend. For all the years that he had known the man, he never strayed from his work. He was always there at the same time everyday wearing the same thing. Throughout the day, the serious man worked at a steady, productive pace. At the end of the day, he would gather his things and leave silently. Day after day after day. 

And so continues the cycle. Thought James. While he did attend the same elite private school as Alecai, James as not a rich heir. In fact, he grew up an orphan and attended the school with a scholarship. After graduation, he agreed to work with his friend until he could find work of his own. While Alecai, despite his cold outer appearance, offered to help his friend find a job, James was determined to find his way on his own terms and so ended up working with Alecai as his vice president for the time being. Of course only Alecai Espeji could offer the prestigious position of vice president as a temporary job. 

James smiled fondly at his friend thinking of how kind the seemingly cold man truly was. 

While Alecai was just as serious and unfeeling as he was at school, James never gave up on the man. And so, Alecai developed a strange fondness of the annoying man and decided to help him. However that did not mean that Alecai's behavior changed around James.

"If all you're going to do is daydream, go back to your own office." 

Giving his friend a false offended smile, James sketched a bow towards Alecai and dramatically left the office.

Nearby, the workers watched James as he winked at them. Only James Kemp would be daring enough to act that way around the cold king. 

"Until tomorrow, my fellow workers." James swept out of the office headquarters and waved towards the security camera, knowing Alecai could see him. 

His only response was that of the exit opening for him.  

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