Mayhem in the Gardens

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The Flock was not able to protect them long enough and were ultimately frozen by Icy.

"No !!!!" exclaimed Flora as flew towards the big block of ice.

****Petal Dance****

Icy was unaffected by the spell.

Flora was so angry and anxious to help the Beautiflies that she just kept charging spells at Icy but all in vain.

"Flora that's no good" said Bloom.

"Let's use convergence" said Musa.

Flora and Musa joined hands to use a spell but wee thrown off guard by Stormy.

Flora and Musa thrashed on the ground.

While the other girls were fighting off the witches, Flora was trying find a counter spell to Icy's magic.

"I can use my fairy dust." thought Flora. She opened the dust bottle and sprinkled it over block of Ice but nothing seemed to happen.

"I guess the magic is too strong!" wondered Flora.

And then it finally clicked. Flora flew up high in the forest.

****Vine Dispersal****

The spell worked and the vines and leaves dispersed and let the sunlight in the garden directly on the block of ice.

****Enchantix Magnificus****

She used a magnifying spell she had learnt in Wizgiz's class which magnified the sunlight ten times and added a magic touch to it. This was a natural cure to the ice. The entire act worked together and the block of ice started to melt.

Bloom saw Flora and reached out to help.

****Heat Wave****

In a quick second the block of Ice was gone but the Beautiflies were very weak and their wings were crumpled.

Flora flew directly towards them.

"Dear goodness! What am I supposed to do. They will die if we don't do something soon." exclaimed Flora in panic.

"Girl! You can do this!" shouted Stella.

"Remember you fid this last year too. You cured the dying flower of life at the Pixie Village." said Aisha.

Flora closed her eyes and concentrated all her power to one spell.

The Winx were still fighting the Trix.

"Let's get out of here." said Darcy.

"Hope this was enough distraction" said Icy with an evil grin.

As the Trix disappeared, A glow of light caused by Flora emerged and the Beautiflies were cured.

Flora was so happy that she started tearing up. The girls all came together and shared a hug. Suddenly, from the depths of the forest, a glowing spirit of Nature.

"Fairy of nature, you have shown great sense of knowledge and courage and therefore I shall grant you the power of Spiritix." said the Spirit.

Flora was lifted off the ground and there she emerged with long flowing hair with jewels attached to them. Her dress was green and pink. Her wings were bigger and had petals drawn over them.

The girls were all very happy at this moment but it didn't last for long.

Skyla suddenly fainted and collapsed on the ground. The other girls rushed towards her anxiously.

A Gust of MagicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin