Timmy's Lab

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The ship landed in an isolated area in a dark forest. The trees in the forest had a weird neon glow to them. The forest didn't seem to have any animals living in it. There was a shabby building in the midst of thick fog. The gang walked out of the spaceship towards the building.

"What is this place?" asked Stella.

"It is called Neon Forest" said Tecna.

"Why are these trees glowing." asked Flora. "I don't sense natural life in them." as she touched the bark of a few nearby trees.

"These trees are powered by Radioactive liquid found in this soil." said Timmy.

"Radioactive!??!!" exclaimed Stella "I don't want these shoes to degrade. I paid a fortune for them."

"They won't get degraded." said Tecna.

"20 years ago, A scientist couple were working on an alternate power source for trees." said Timmy. "They produced a magic potion that was perfect power source but while they were presenting it to the royal authorities, a spill occurred which burned down a huge chunk of the building's backyard and killing the female scientist. The authorities ordered the project to be cancelled and later abandon the site. But instead of corroding the environment, the potion started powering the forest around it. Animals are repelled by the smell of the trees. But the forest is a live and does chemo synthesis instead of photosynthesis."

"How do you know so much about this?" asked Bloom.

Timmy paused, turned around and said, "Those two scientists were my parents."

"Why didn't you tell us anything yet." gasped Bloom.

"My father gave up the world of science and started hating it, after my mother died. But I was still very attached to my mom's works." said Timmy "I don't really remember the time I spent with her but working on her theories I feel very close to her."

The team arrived at the front entrance to the building. "So why are we here again?" asked Stella.

"While we were still in the spaceship, my dad sent me data about this clone who is causing havoc in the city." said Tecna. "This clone seems to be attracted to omega shiverthorn potion."

"What in the world is that?" said Stella. "I could explain but we don't need to know that. Except it is only found in Zenith." said Tecna.

"I have a way to maybe stop this craziness" said Tecna.

"What are you going to do?" asked Bloom.

"The lab contains a ton of this potion. If we are able to attract that clone towards the area, Timmy can use his Electro Trapper to drain the clone's core energy eventually deleting it." told Tecna.

"I can see where you are going with this. Tell us what you want us to do." said Musa.

"I was thinking that three of us can fly towards the city and lead the clone towards our lab." explained Tecna using a digital map of the city.

"The rest of us can help Timmy setup the trapper." said Musa.

"Flora, you and I should go to the city." said Aisha.

"Let's do this." said Bloom.

Towards the City

The clone had broken into a factory in search of the potion. The city police and guards had surrounded the factory from outside. The entire city was on high alert. The three girls flew towards the factory guided by Tecna.

"Look that monster is flying towards the city." yelled some civilians pointing at Tecna.

"She is not the monster. She is your guardian fairy." said Aisha.

"Actually I'm not yet their Guardian fairy." said Tecna amusingly.

"One month doesn't really matter." said Aisha.
The girls spotted the clone.

"It actually looks like you." said Flora.

The clone seemed to have spotted Tecna's aura. Because it went straight for her.

**** Digital Shield ****

**** Petal Storm ****

"Let's fly back to the lab." said Aisha.

The clone followed Tecna and the girls tried to shield Tecna from the clone's attacks.

But the clone's attacks overpowered the two as they reached the lab.

"You guys stay back" said Tecna as she turned around to face the Clone.

**** Exponential Storm ****

The clone replicated the spell and attacked Tecna.

"The only way for me to lead this thing to the trapper is if I myself enter the trapper." thought Tecna.

Tecna dogded the attacks and signaled Timmy and the others to start the trapper. Bolt of electricity shot from the trapper and lighted up the area.

Tecna flew and attacked the clone.

**** Digital Shot ****

The clone replicated the attack. But Just then the trapper trapped The Clone but also Tecna.

"What is she doing??? She needs to get out of there!!!" yelled Musa.

The Trapper started draining all the clone's energy. But it also had massive impact on Tecna. The Clone shrieked and vaporized into thin air while Tecna crashed on the ground. The Winx and the boys rushed towards her. The group carried Tecna inside the lab and laid her on a couch. I light glowed from the main computer screen and emerged a Hologram of a Spirit.

Timmy was shocked at the sight of the Spirit for it was his mom.

"Mom!" gasped Timmy. "Please do something!", Timmy begged as tears left his eyes. The Spirit nodded and swayed her hands over Tecna's forehead. With a bright shine, Tecna opened her eyes and transformed into a Spiritix fairy.

The group watched in amazement as Timmy walked over to his mom. He tried to touch it. The spirit cupped her hands on Timmy's face.

On the way back, Tecna sat next to Timmy as he flew the Team back to Alfea.

"Your mom will be really proud of you." said Tecna as she put her arms around him.

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