My Sister will never Hurt Me!

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The girls tried to wake Skyla up. 

Skyla opened her eyes, "Sabrina! She is gone!

"What happened? Are you ok?" asked Stella.

       "I can't feel my sister's aura." said Skyla who was really worried.

"Let's return to Alfea then." said Tecna.

***** Alfea *****

Skyla rushed to the dorm room to find the room totally destroyed. The glass was shattered, and the windows were broken.

"What in the world just happened here." exclaimed Stella.

Bloom tried to use her magical senses to read the past but it was very hazy.

"I can't see anything." said Bloom.

     "I can't loose her again." said Skyla as she dropped on her knees, now crying. "Not Again."

"There there we'll find her Skyla. It'll be fine." said Flora picking Skyla up.

Suddenly a haze of dark cloud appeared and a glow of green light was projected.

"You're sister is back home Skyla." said Zinzolin through the projection.

"No !!!! You shall not hurt her." yelled Skyla angrily.

"I shall not but I'm not sure if she'll do the same or not." said Zinzolin.

        The screen of haze now showed a destructive Sabrina. She was shooting rays if magic in all directions. Her eyes were red and her fairy form was dark.

"What did you do it her!" asked Skyla anxiously.

        "Well see it for yourself. Come to the castle and call upon the Spirit of Zephyria and hand it over, I'll spare your SISTER ! Come alone. None of your fairy friends can accompany you." said Zinzolin and the cloud of haze disappeared.

"I have to go back!" said Skyla.

      "No it's too dangerous. We don't even know if he is saying the truth or not." said Stella grabbing Skyla's hand.

"Your sister is not in her senses. She might hurt you." said Flora.

       "My sister will never hurt me." said Skyla.

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