Spirit behind the Strings

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The girls launched the Holotome. It began scanning the entire city. Skyla sensed some movements closing them.

"Did you feel that." said Skyla quickly turning around.

The girls turned around but didn't find anything.

"Could it be the Viper?" said a very scared Stella.

"Hey! the Holotome senses strong energy near that temple ruin." said Bloom.

"Let's go then." said Musa.

The girls ran towards the ruins. But a huge viper almost the size of a Red Fountain dragon appeared in front of them. The viper was purple in color with silver scales which were very prominent.

"Oh no! What do we do now!!!" screamed Musa.

"Run!!!! What else?!??!" screamed Stella.

The girls ran in the opposite direction and the Viper slithered towards them.

"This is not going to help in any way." said Bloom.

"Transform girls" shouted Bloom.

*****Magic Winx !!!!! Enchantix *****

Bloom, Musa and Stella transformed.

***** Power of the Heavens!!!! Angelix !!!! *****

Skyla transformed.

"Do we attack it or what?" asked Stella.

"Let's atleast slow it down somehow." said Bloom.

"Well light wouldn't do any good." said Stella.

"Leave it to me." said Skyla.

Skyla flew to the other side behind the Viper.

Twister trap !!!!

The viper was trapped in the center of a twister.

"This wouldn't last too long." said Skyla.

"Well then we need to come up with a plan." said Musa.

"We can attack offensively." said Bloom.

"That wouldn't work." said Musa.

The viper tore apart the twister with a deafening screech and was after the girls again.

"Bloom try creating a flame wall around the viper. can you? I have got a plan maybe it will work." asked Musa.

"Ok I'll try." said Bloom.

Bloom swung around the viper creating flame vortex.

"Stella can perform a reflecting spell." said Musa.

"I'm on it." said Stella.

Reflecting Mirrors !!!!

Stella trapped the viper in a reflecting globe which is surrounded by wall of flame.

"What's the plan Musa?" asked Skyla.

"There is no way we can destroy a guardian creature. We can only calm it down. So I'm going inside the globe." nsaid Musa.

"No! It is too dangerous." said Bloom stopping her.

Musa didn't look back and entered the globe.

"But why did she need a reflecting globe?" asked Stella.

"I think I know what she has in mind." said Skyla.

All the noise the Viper produced bounced back the globe and weakened the viper itself.

Power of Harmony !!!!

Musa created a beautiful melody which put the Viper into sleep.

The flame wall disappeared and the reflecting globe too.

"You could have used that spell without almost killing us with worry." said Bloom.

"The spell wouldn't have worked untill the Viper was weak enough. The reflecting globe did that job. And the flame wall was just to strengthen it." said Musa.

The four girls shared a hug and walked towards the temple ruins.

After exploring for a while Musa came across a golden sting formation which looked like a musical note.

"Wow that is so beautiful." said Stella full of awe.

Musa played the strings and a beautiful Spirit with long flowing hair and light purple dress that didn't seem to have an end appeared.

"Are you the Spirit of Melody?" asked Musa.

"Yes, I am. And I know your reason to come so far. You fought bravely and wisely. You used the power of sound in the best possible way. I'm impressed Musa, fairy of music." said the Spirit.

"She knows her name." said Stella.

"I need to attain Spiritix to defeat a very powerful wizard and help my friend Skyla." said Musa.

"You have done well and I shall grant you the power of Melody's true essence. The power of Spiritix." said the Spirit producing a ball of energy.

Musa got lifted in the air and the energy ball fused with her. She glowed so brightly that the girls had to look away and shut their eyes tight. Musa transformed into a Spiritix fairy.

Her hair was tied in a upto bun with a part of her hair flowing down with jewels on it. She wore a magenta flowing dress and her wings were golden with purple lining and musical notes glittering on them. She had wrist band with bunch jewels and ankle bands much like the wrist band.

"Girl! you look so pretty." said Stella, "I can't wait till I get mine."

"We are one step closer to defeating Zinzolin for good." said Skyla.

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