Cave of Being

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The Winx and Specialists alongwith Skyla followed Tecna and wnded up in front of a cave.

Upon entering, the group was attacked by a flock of bewitched ravens.

        "Oh Dear! These ravens." screamed Stella.

Stella thought of transforming but was interrupted by Flora.

        "They are just scared. We don't need to hurt them."

"No Flora, these ravens are under a spell. Ravens don't act like this." replied Skyla.

Everybody was struggling to keep off the ravens.

        "Musa why don't you try to soothe them with ur magic." said Flora.

****Winx Transform !!!! Musa Enchantix****

        Melody of Nature !!!!
Musa played her magical flute.

Ravens seem to like it. The clatter stopped and the group was able to proceed.

The group finally arrived in the deepest chamber after passing through muddy, narrow pathways.

        "Aaaahhh I'm all muddy! !!" exclaimed Stella.

"Leave the mud and look at that wall painting." said Brandon with awe.

There was huge bird painted on the wall which looked like a pheonix. there were scriptures and other small paintings on the sides. 

        An old lady with a staff appeared out of the shadows and greeted them all. 

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