~Twenty Seven~

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~Third Person POV~

Liam looks around the place before tiptoeing into the computer room. He softly closes the door behind himself before settling down in front of the computer.

"Now work with me please." Liam silently pleaded to the computer as he turned it on. The screen lit up and aluminated the whole room, making liam panic.

"What's the point in being quiet when this shit might have already woken up the entire household," Liam growls and starts typing on the computer.


Liam smiled before quickly typing in the code into the bar. He anxiously sat back on his chair and waited for the computer to give him access to the building.



"No! No! No!" Liam rapidly typed random codes while also trying to stop the building from going on lockdown and blowing his cover.


"Thank you, Lord!" Liam kisses the air before getting back to work.

He hacks into the cameras of the building he saw sean go into about a week ago, not finding anything but empty offices and dormitories, until he hacks into the dungeon/basement camera.

"Oh my God! What have they done?" Liam gasps in horror as he stares at the computer screen.


There he was.

All small and weak.

He finally found their Louis!

"I'm getting you out of there. I promise you." Liam whispers to himself as he tries to find a way to open the cell doors, groaning once realizing that you can only open the cell doors with a key, which he doesn't have.

Liam hears voices coming from the screen and quickly turns back to face it, noticing two guards inside of Louis's cell.

"You haven't eaten since we had our little fun." Gaurd number one says.

"You're getting too weak. We can't do anything with or to you until you get some of your strength back." The second guard spoke up

"Little fun?" Liam wondered. "What's that got to do wi-oh! My poor you." His eyes widen in realization.

Liam stares at the screen with tears streaming down his face, leaving a trail behind them on his cheeks, which are now red and puffy.

"Please let me go." Louis's small please echoed around the computer room as the blue-eyed boy stared up at the guards with broken eyes.

"Who will you go to if we do?" Guard number two asks.

"Harry...Liam, Zayn, and Niall." Louis responded after a short pause.

Both guards laugh causing Louis to flinch.

"They havent told you have they?"

"T-told me what?"

"They gave up on you kid." Gaurd kne says, a fake frown on his face.

"N-no! You're only saying that so I can give into you guys." Louis's cries were small but very painful to watch.

"Why would we lie?" Gaurd two questioned.

"Rick paid them 30 billion dollars so they can stop searching for you." Both guards smile as Louis's expression changed from scared to lost, heartbroken and betrayed all at once.

"Yeah, your partner...the Muslim dude picked up the money and signed an agreement with Rick."

"Zayn would never do that to me! He-we're like brothers!" Louis's voice cracks as tears trailed down his face.

"Stop fucking lying! We didn't do no such thing!" Liam growled at the screen. "Don't believe them you. They're just trying to get into your head."

"Harry will come find me." Louis spoke up after a couple of minutes of silence, catching the guards off guards. [Lol]

"The curly man? Nah! I saw him getting it on with young Mr.Sean a day ago." The gaurd said. "He's way over you kiddo."

"I...uh" Louis was speechless. How could he of been so stupid to believe that harry or any of the boys, in general, will wait for him to escape this shit hole and go home?

"Eat up, cuz we got a big day tomorrow." With that the guards exited the cell, locking it up before leaving.

Liam stared at the screen with worried eyes. He knew Louis fell for their trap and he was scared they would take advantage of that.

"Who was I kidding? They never loved me." Louis whispered. "I bet they're having fun spending all that money on things I would have never been able to get them."

Louis laid down on his floor bed and curled himself into a ball.

"I give up."

"No..." Liam stared at the screen with wide eyes before running out of the computer room and telling Zayn and Niall everything.


"Tomorrow morning at dawn we will attack," Zayn informed. "We will give them all we got until we get our Louis back...Understood?"

Both Liam and Niall nodded their heads before going over to the weapon room. Each got themselves a big bag and stuffed all the guns and bullets they will need in them.

"Go get some rest but be ready by dawn," Zayn instructs.

"What about Harry?" Niall finally asked the question that has been bothering him all night.

"I will trick Sean into taking me to Lou."

Niall turned around to see Harry already in his uniform and bag full of weapons.

"I...h-how?" Niall stutters.

"I informed him while you were getting your weapons ready," Zayn answered casually even though you were able to tell he was biting back a proud smile.


"Let get some rest. See you in the morning guys."

All the boys bid their goodbyes before heading into their room to get some rest before the big fight tomorrow.

7:26 PM

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