~Twenty Six~

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You guys think you can get 'Princess' to 3k by the end of this week?

Because I do!

Zayn's POV

I stare at Sean from afar, a frown etched on my face as he pulls out his phone and starts talking to someone while also looking at his surrounding.

"Odd," I whisper before slowly making my way back to the safe house. I make a b-line to the computer room where I am 100 percent sure Liam and Niall are at.

"Hey babe. You feeling okay?" Niall asks as he walks up to me and places his soft, warm hands against my cheek, a frown making it's way to his beautiful face.

"Yeah...just confused," I reply as I plant a soft kiss on his lips before making my way over to the computers, where Liam was at.

"Why are you confused?" Lian spoke up, head raising up form the screen to stare at me.

"I saw Sean on the phone."

"Babe, he was only on the phone... Everyone does that." Niall gave me a funny look before returning his attention tye computer again.

"No! It's just ugh! Why is it so hard to explain stuff all of the sudden?!" I exclaim, hands flying up to my hair and yanking at the locks.

"Mate, I think you need a few days off to rest...you're stressing yourself out to much." Liam softly muttered, his hand giving my should a small squeeze.

"You guys don't understand! He was being so...sneaky?" I tried to reason with them but they just sent me sad and confused looks.

"Define sneaky?" Liam said.

"I down know. He was looking around as if he was worried someone will catch him doing something he is not supposed to be doing." I explained.

"I said define but okay."

"I do get bad vibes off of him. He seems...sketchy?" Niall mutters with his brows furrowed and a small frown on his plumpy red lips.

"Don't you think it's weird that he is Louis's suppose friend yet Lou never mentioned him once?" I questioned, hand on hip and my bottom lip in between my teeth.

"Yeah, I had been thinking that for a while now," Liam spoke up, eyed wide in realization.

"A spy..."

"A what?" I asked Niall who started at the wall with wide eyes.

"He can be a spy!" Niall exclaimed.

And that's when it hit all 3 of us.

Sean could be a spy and he can be giving Rick information about us!

He can be plotting another attack towards us!


"Oh my God! Why didn't we think of that sooner?" I shriek.

"Calm down. We don't know if that is true or not." Liam sighed in defeat.

I look at him then at Niall before nodding.

I will find as many clues/hints that will tell me that Sean is a spy sent to us by Rick.

"This means that we will have to keep a close eye on him then," I say calmly, even though my insides were churning at a rapid pace.

"I'll try and get harry away from him too." Niall perked up

All 3 of us came to an agreement before getting to wold and acting as if nothing had happened a couple minutes ago.

2:54 AM
Sorry it's really short!
Either way, I hope you enjoy!

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