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Thank you for 200 reads! This book is not even good so wtf. But thank you so much. Mucho love😘✌🏼

Harry's POV

I jump out of bed as I feel a cold liquid hit my face. I quickly crawl out of my bed and look up only to see Gemma smirking down at me.

"What the fuck Gemma!"

She throws the bucket she had water in at me. I quickly move out of the way so it doesn't hit me.

"What's Louis's Number?"

I look up at her with a 'are you kidding me?'expression. She takes my phone out of her back pockets and holds it out in front of her.

"Give it to me or you're not getting this back"

"Fûck off Gemma. I ain't giving you shit."

She rolls her eyes and says fine before turning around and leaving the room with my phone. I flip her off and head towards my dresser.

I get out a black long sleeve crop top and a Minnie skirt.

I head to the bathroom and take a shower before heading back out

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I head to the bathroom and take a shower before heading back out. I leave my hair down and put on some black flats before grabbing my purse and leaving my room.

I walk downstairs and see my parents and Gemma in the living room. My mom looks up at me and asks me where I think I was going.

I ignore her and exit the house. As I close the door I hear Gemma say, "you see mom. He's so disrespectful. How can you let someone as worthless as he lives with us? Kick him out already. He's just taking too much space."

I look down and continue to make my Louis's house. It takes me about 30 minutes to walk to his house. I walk up the steps and knock three times before a maid is answering the door and inventing me in.

"I'll call Louis down honey. If you like you can wait in the living room."

I smile at her and walk towards the living room. As I sat down I heart footsteps hear me. I turn around and I see Louis in a white tee and black Skinnies walking towards me.

"Hiya love! What's brings you here? Missed me?"

I laugh at him before standing up and hugging him. I snuggle my face into his neck and breath in his cologne and manly scent.

"My family hates me. So I left."

He pulls my arm length and looks down at me with a frown. His eyebrows are knitted together as he examines my face.

"What's did they do now love?"

I sigh before answering.

"Gemma woke me up by throwing freezing cold water at me before asking me for your number. She left when I didn't give it to her. She took my phone with her. Then when I was leaving I overheard her tell my parents that I was just taking too much space and that I was worthless. I wouldn't really care about what she said about me but what hurt me was that my parents agreed with her."

He picks my chin up with his pointer and middle finger before pecking my forehead. Hr grabs my hand and leads me to the couch I was gonna sit in not long ago. 

"Had you thought of moving out? You're 18 so you can."

I look up at him and shake my head before answering.

"Where would I stay. I can't go to Niall's because his parents can't feed another mouth. And I don't have money to get my own place. "

He grabs my hands and lays them in his lab before giving them a little squeeze. I smile at the small gesture before looking back up at his beautiful blue eyes.

"Move in with me."

1:22 am

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