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Harry's POV

"What are you doing with that suitcase?"

I look up to see Gemma glaring down at me. I roll my eyes and continue packing. The last couple days i had thought about what Louis said and finally made my decision. I will be leaving for sure. I am tired of my parents treating me bad. And of course, I haven't told Louis about this. I really wanted to surprise him.

"Answer me when i ask you something." Gemma hissed as she pulled the suitcase way from me. I glare up at her and snatch it away from her, dropping all my stuff in the process.

"Can you just like leave me the f*ck alone." i snarled as i quickly start packing my stuff..again. Gemma rolls her eyes and goes back to trying to grab my suitcase but i was quicker than her and pulled it away from her.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm moving." i finally say as i finished my packing.

"With who?" she questioned further.

I stand up from the floor and grabbed my bags. Two in each hand. I walk out the door and down the stairs, pushing Gemma out of the way in the process.

"Louis. I'm going to move in with louis. Now if you excuse me i don't want to leave my boyfriend waiting."

Gemma's eyes go wide but quickly go dark. I walk backwards as she walks towards me. I knew she had a major crush on Louis. Like c'mon who wouldn't? He's like a greek god.

Gemma pushes me into the wall which causes me to drop all of my stuff. I groan as i feel a sharp object hit my back. It will definitely bruise later.

"You f*cking b*tch. You knew i f*cking liked him. Oh you're so gonna pay for this. Just wait and see you f*cking sl*t." She pushed one last time before walking way.

I sigh and gather my stuff before walking out. I had called louis driver to pick me an hour ago so i wasn't surprised when i saw the black cadillac in my driveway.

James quickly gets off the car and grabs the bags from me. I smile at him and get in the car as he put my bags in the back before getting in himself. The drive to Louis was quiet and fast.


I rub my sweaty hands together as i enter the house. The maids smiled at me as i walked by, some even offering me a drink or food. I quickly made my way up to were i'm guessing louis's office will be at.

I look around until i near a big brown door. I place my ear next to it and hear someone quietly talking. I move away and raise my hand up to the hard wood and knock. The talking disappeared and footsteps were heard.

I held in my breath as i see the nob turn. Once the door opened i look up to see louis staring down at me with a blank face. I feel my heart drop and panic arise in the pit of my stomach as he kept staring at me with blank eyes.

After what seemed forever he cleared his throat and walked back into his office. I frown and look down at my trembly hands. Eyes burning as tears threatened to fall.

"Are you just going to stand there or what?"

My head snaps up to see him staring at me from his desk. I gulp and quickly shake my head. I walk toward him and stand in front of his desk. He huffs and grabs my wrist, pulling me onto his lap. I let out a squeak as my bum hits his upper thighs.

"What did you need that you needed to interrupt me from my important phone call?" he whispers into my ear. I shudder and lay my head on his chest. My heart was still beating fast and the pain and panic in the pit of my stomach were still there.

"I-i thought o-of your o-offer." i whisper as i snuggled more into his chest. His chest vibrates as he hums. He places a hand on my lower back and one on my upper thigh.

"And what is it?" he purred as he rubbed circles into the revealing skin on my thighs. I slowly remove his hand and intertwined our fingers. Smiling at how perfect they fit together.

"I'll go with you." Louis wraps his arms around me and places sloppy kisses on my neck. I crane my neck to give him more acces. I feel him smirk against my neck.

"I'll make you so happy princess. I'll spoil you so much." I hum against his chest. I wanted to protest but i knew that if i did he would flip out on me and everything will go downhill.


After a while Louis got a phone call and shooed me out of the room. I frowned but still obeyed and walked down to the kitchen. Mayra was sat at one of the stool with a plate of food in front of her. I smile and go sit next to her.

"Oh my! You scared me honey." she gasps as she brings me into a hug. I pressed my head into her neck and breath in her honey and perfume smell.

"Im sorry. What are you eating Mayra?" She smile at me and looks back at her plate. She grabs an extra fork from the cabinet in front of her and stabs some food in it.

"It's Antipasto. An italian plate. Here have some." I grab the fork from her and stuff it into my mouth. I moan at the state of it before going back for another bite. Mayra laughs at me and shoo's me away from her plate. I whine but still stop stealing her food.

"Where did you get it from?" i ask as i stared at her food.

"I made it. There's more in the pan."

I quickly get up from my chair and run to the stove, grabbing a plate in the way. I serve myself some before going back to sit next to Mayra who was laughing at me. I quickly dig into my food, Mayra doing the same to hers.


I stare up at louis who was hovering over me with blank eyes . I try to back way but he just holds onto me tighter. I whimper and crane my head in submission. Something seemed to snap inside of louis because he moved away from me.

"Im sorry. I didn't mean to get like this." i nod at him before walking out of the room. I hear Louis sigh before closing the door behind me. I wipe my eyes as tears threatened to fall. I walk towards the guest room where James had put my bags in.

I take off my white skinny jeans and baby blue shirt so im left in my baby blue panties before jumping under my covers. Not caring to take a shower. I close my eyes and let sleep take over me.

Zayn's album is so good!

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