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Mayra's POV

I stare at the door in disbelief. I knew Louis was evil but not this evil. How can he talk so bad about that poor boy when all he gives Louis is pure love.

I knock twice on the door and entering when a 'come in' was heard. There Louis sat on his chair while he read through god knows what.

"I brought you some tea sir" I informed him as I placed the cup of hot tea on his desk, far away from his paper work.

"Thank you Mayra. No, go distract Harry for the next few hours. I'm having a costumer over." He orders.

I sigh and nod before leaving the room and walking down to Harry's room. I knock once before entering. Hardy was sat in the middle of the carpet, a big smile was drawn on his face as he looked down at the picture frame.

"Oh that's beautiful!" I exclaimed as I look at the picture. My heart broke as I remembered what Louis said earlier.

"I made it for Lou. Do you think he'll like it? If I give it to him will he stop being so mean to me?" Poor Harry questioned.

I frowned at him and shrug. Because in reality, i didn't know what Louis will do once he receives the gift. I just hope he changes his mind about the boys appearance.

"I don't know honey. You'll have to check yourself." He smiles at me before getting up, picture frame in hand and smile still permanent.

"Then I'll go give it to him now!" He squealed before leaving the room. I sigh, wishing Louis accepts the picture.

Not even 5 minutes later Harry returned to the room, picture frame still in his hands and a frown on his beautiful face.

"Oh, honey what's wrong?" I asked as I set him down on my lap. He cuddled into my side before letting out a shaky breath.

"He doesn't want me right? He got bored of me. Every day it gets worse and worse. Will it get to the point where he hits me?" He cried onto my shoulder.

"Oh honey don't say that. You know it's not true. I promise you that he will never lay a hand on you." I promised the broken boy in my arms.

The boy nods and snuggles dipper into my side. I sigh and hug him m tighter, rocking him back and forth until soft snores were leaving his soft pink lips.


I look at the living room and frown. Louis was sat on the couch with Eleanor-one of his most popular clients-on top of him.

He kissed her neck as she moaned. I cringe at the view before turning around and walking to Harry's room.

I go into the room without knocking. Harry was at his desk fixing up his curly hair. I smile and go behind him before helping him style his hair.

"Thanks, Maimai."

"Maimai?" I laughed at his reddened face.

"I don't know. I just came up with it." He shrugs before getting up and walking to the door.

"I'm going to hang out with Louis." I nod at him, completely forgetting what was going on downstairs.

As I leave the room I hear whimpers coming from the stairs. I stand in the middle of the hallway and gasp as I see Louis basically dragging Harry into his room.

I run after him and look inside the room just in time to see Louis grab Harry by the hair and throwing him onto his bed. After some words were said Louis leaves the room, finally noticing me.

Princess{l.s}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz