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Third-person POV

The boys had been missing for two weeks now. Zayn and Louis had been getting the evidence as to where they are staying at. Both Niall and harry will talk into the camera and tell them what they see inside and outside the place, which helps the other boys find them.

Right now Simon told both Zayn and Louis to keep low and don't seem suspicious. He put them fake missions so He won't know that they're so close to getting the boys back. Louis got a ugly blonde girl named Brianna Jungwirth and Zayn got a dirty blonde girl named Gigi Hadid.

"Louis lets go out! We haven't been on any dates since we been put together." Brianna whined as she tugged on Louis's white t-shirt. Louis shoved her hand off and walked off. He was really tired of her nagging and complaining. It was getting on his nerves.

"Didn't you hear Simon say we have to stay low?" Of course, Brianna being Brianna she said, "so what?"

That was the last straw for louis so he just left Brianna alone in the living room. He turned the corner and entered harry's room. His eyes grew wide with anger as he saw everything was changed. This was no longer Harry's room. It was Brianna's room.

He took in a deep breath before walking out, letting it slide because it is just a room. He walked upstairs to his suite room, calming his nerves down. He walked around his room for a bit before deciding to give Zayn a call. He pulled out his phone and pressed call on Zayn contact. On the third ring, he answered with a low and tired 'Hello'.

"Zayn had you heard or seen anything from the boys?" Louis asked while he walked over to the big stuff animal he had bought Harry on their third date.

"I know where they're being kept and I also know that they have a huge amount of security." Zayn sigh through the phone. "But I talked with Simon and he allowed us to start our mission to save them."

At that Louis jumped up and down before muttering a small thank you and i see you at yours in 10 to Zayn and hanging up. Louis ran around the room, picking out a black outfit with a black ski mask. After everything was done he ran out the door only to be stopped by Brianna, who was wearing one of harry's black lace dresses. He stared at her with wide as before shaking his head and walking away. *Harry can deal with her when he comes back.* Louis thought as he walked down the stairs.

"Mayra get all of harry's clothes and put them in my room. I'm bringing my boy back." Mayra, who was holding a pile of dirty blankets nodded and headed off to harry's old room.

"Are you not going to compliment me for looking cute for you?" Louis turned around and rolled his eyes at Brianna, who was at the top of the ladder, one hand on hip and left brow raised,

"Don't have to when I already have someone sexier than you and HE doesn't have to try to look cute." Louis heard brianna gasp as he walked out the door and shut it behind himself. He got onto his Mercedes and sped off to Zayn's safe house. AKA the one that the boys got kidnapped from.


"Okay, Louis you go in through the back. You will have to go through some tunnels to get to the basement. Now bear in mind that those tunnels are full of guards." Zayn explained as he handed him the walkie talkie.

"Alright then were all set up. Put the volume of the walkie talkie down. When you are having trouble use it or when you found the boys okay. Alright, let's go." Zayn headed out through the front of the building while Louis went through the back.

Louis neared a door with a lock. He stared at it for a bit before getting out his pistol that had a more silent on out and sending a bullet straight at the lock. The lock fell to the ground making a 'CLANK' sound as Louis pushed opened the door. As soon as he stepped inside the door a switched was turned and a wooden blank with a knife taped to it flew out of nowhere straight to Louis's throat, but he was faster and moved out the way just in time, getting a small cut on his neck.

"Those fuckers!" Louis muttered as he pushed the wooden plank away with his pistol. He pressed his back to the wall and slid forward to the door that had light peeking through it, pistol in hand, ready to shoo any mother fucker that tried getting in the way of saving his boys.

As he neared the door he was able to hear switches being moved. Louis raised his brow before taking a step forward. He heard a 'CLICK' of a dispenser before arrows were coming out from every direction. Louis's eyes widen as he quickly fell to the floor and crawled into the room, closing the door behind himself.

He leaned against the door trying to catch his breath and steady his heartbeat, which was going a hundred miles per hour. He finally looked up and looked around the room, noticing small dolls scattered around the room and pink and blue blankets undone in the beds.

"Don't move." Someone whispered from behind the bed. Louis looked at the little girl and frowned, brow raised in question.

"You'll die if you move. Don't move." She whispered again, coming out of her hiding spot in the process.

"What?" Louis asked as he examined the room for any potential danger. As he looks on top of him, sure enough, there were machetes pointing straight at him, all hanging by a string, ready to kill someone.

"The string. You're on it. If you move the bottom half of your body it will cause them to fall and potentially kill you." She said as she neared Louis, taking small steps each time and checking her footing.

"How do I get out of here?" Louis asked, actually scared for his life. He was not supposed to die. He was supposed to save the boys. The boys needed him and here he is being a coward, asking a little girl to help him.

"I can take a machete off one by one, but that'll be hard and take so much time. The guys might catch you and kill you themselves." She explained as she sat in front of Louis, her forest-green eyes stared into Louis ocean blue eyes.

"I'm Percy by the way." She extended her hand out and Louis shook it and gave her a warm but weary smile.

"I'm Lou." Percy beamed and gave Louis a wide smile.

"I'll help you, Lou! But please get me out of here." She begged.

"Of crouse! Why would I leave you in this shit hole?"Percy grinned widely again. She gasp when she heard footsteps coming their way. Looking at Louis than at the Machetes, fear evident in her face.

"They're coming! They're going to kill you!" Tears fell from her eyes as Louis tried to think of an idea to get out. He quickly grabbed the walkie talkie and put it into the channel zayn will be in before talking into it.

"Zayn I found a little girl. They Are right outside the door! I can't get out of here without setting off the trap im on and killing her! OVER." his voice was rushed as the footsteps got near.

"Stay where you're at. I'm right behind the guys. Tell the girl to hide and you try your best to move away from the door without setting off the trap. OVER." Zayn hushed voice filled the room. Percy had listened to what he said as she was already hiding in the hole underground.

"Be careful" she whispered before closing the lid. Louis looked around before sighing and sliding to the side, careful not to set it off. He jumped when he heard gunshots outside, setting the trap off in the process. He screamed as machetes fell down from the roof and towards him.

4:52 pm

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