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Louis stayed with Harry the whole day until it was time for dinner. He went down to the kitchen and asked Mayra if she could let him cook.

She was skeptical at first, since the first time she let him cook the burnt water. Since that day she's never let Louis into the kitchen.

"Please! I was young when that happened!" Louis begged.

"Your burnt the water LAST YEAR!" Louis blushed and looked at the ground while Mayra laughed at him.

"Please?" He gave Mayra his best puppy eyes, knowing that she will give in.

"Ugh! Alright but please don't burn the house down!"She started walking out the kitchen. "Oh and please don't poison us!"

Louis laughed and started walking around the kitchen trying to find all the ingredients he will need. Once everything was set on the table he started making everything and cooking it.

Not long after everything was done he placed the food on a tray with orange juice and a rose on the side. He smiled down at his accomplishments before walking out the kitchen and to the nurses room, where harry was at.

"Wow! That looks so good!" Mayra complimented as Louis entered the room. Louis thanked her before closing the door behind her and placing the tray on the side table.

"That smells good Lou." Harry smiled and held out his hand to Louis, who took it and sat down next to Harry on the bed.

"Thanks! It's chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in Parma ham with a side of homemade mash!" Louis grabbed the tray from the table and laid it on their knees.

"That sounds delicious." Harry picked up fork and took a piece of the mash. He moaned at the taste which caused Louis to stare at him wide eyes.

"I..uh..t-thanks" Louis stuttered. Harry continues to eat his food while Louis stared at him with fondness in his eyes.


"Hey mate I ca-Oh! I'm sorry!" Zayn apologizes as he entered the room. Three girls were laying naked on the bed while staring straight at Zayn.

"Oi! Mate you're here!" Zayn turned around to see Louis in a black robe. He raised his eyebrow at him before looking behind him.

"Oh! I was getting a massage!" Zayn raised his brows at him before shaking his head, not really in the mood to argue about it.

"Alright. I just came to..uh to talk to harry! Yeah!" Louis frowns but nods his head and tells Zayn that he's in the guest room, still healing.

Zayn leaves without saying bye and heads to the guest room he's pretty sure harry is located at. He knocks twice before entering, sending a small to the curly headed boy in the bed.

"Hey babe. How are you feeling?" Zayn asked as he sat on the bed, next to Harry's legs.

"Good. Can't leave me bed though." Harry rolls his eyes. "Also Louis doesn't visit me much...thought he would stay with me as much as possible Incase the same thing happens but this time I don't make it..."

"Oh babe don't be sad." Zayn lays down next to Harry and brings him to his chest, rubbing his back. "What about you stay over mine and Niall's?"

At that harry beamed and quickly nodded his head. Zayn chuckled and told Harry that he would pack his clothes and then there ready to leave.


"Mate he doesn't want to be here! Let him leave!" Zayn yelled as he tried to opened the door.

"No! He's not leaving this house." Louis firmly said as he pulled harry by the arm, causing the poor boy to cry out in pain and Zayn pull him away from Louis.

"You fucking abuse him! Now let him go before I call the police!" With that Louis let go of Harry and walked away. Harry stared at his behind with a sad smile, he really didn't want to leave but he knew it was for the best.

"Cmon Love Niall is waiting for your arrival." With that both boys were on their way to Zayn's safe house, not knowing the danger that was coming their way.

Sorry it's so short!! I just lost inspiration! But I'll be back on track by next week I promise!

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