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Third Person POV

It's been three days since Harry has been shot and those had been the hardest days for Louis. He had a meeting with Zayn and Simon on the second day.

Simon told both boys that he can't stop HIM anymore. HE has gotten stronger and powerful, that the whole army won't be able to stop him.

Louis got pissed off and left the office, leaving Zayn and Simon stare at the door with sympathetic looks.

Zayn chased after Louis and tried knocking some sense into Louis's head but all Louis wanted was for his princess to be safe.

Zayn was also worried about Niall's safety, but he knew that he had to wait for instructions from Simon.

Zayn also knew why Louis was enraged with everything that had just been said. He didn't want to lose another person he grew to love by fallowing orders.

A coup years back Louis was assigned to protect this boy, probably a year older than Louis. Jake was his name.

James uncle had always wanted Jake dead so when he got everything he needed for it he took the chance and started tracking down Jake.

Simon found out though and sent Louis out to protect the kid. Everything was going great. Louis was able to protect Jake for half a year.

One night though they both let their cover down. The moment they did, guys dressed in all black got to them and were able to kidnapped them.

Jake's uncle greeted both boys in a dark basement. He had a smirk on his face and a machete in his right hand.

They talked for a while before Jake was being pulled away from Louis who screamed for them to let him go.

They tortured Jake until he died in front of Louis, who cried for them to let Jake go. After Jake went to the after life Jake's uncle threw his body to Louis who was let go and grabbed onto his lovers body.

You might think that it wouldn't hurt Louis but it did. Why? Because both boys were deeply in love with each other and that same night, hours before they were kid napped, Louis had proposed.

Louis saw his fiancé get murdered with his own eyes and he couldn't do nothing.

After that he built up his walls and never let anyone in, not until he met Harry Edward Styles.

Louis was so sacred he might lose his new lover just like his last one. He cried himself to sleep every night, praying to god not to take his princess away from him.

He would go out every day searching for HIM but like always he was unsuccessful.

Today Mayra told Louis that Harry should have been up by now and that she was worried about him.

Louis cried to her to save his life. Mayra stared at the crying boy in his hands and promised him that she would do everything she can.

Louis stayed by Harry's side the whole day and get he never woke up. It got so bad that they had to call a professional doctor to come.

He put Louis to sleep and connected the tube that transferred liquid food into his body. He then went and worked on Harry. He stayed with Harry for an hour and a half.

When he came back out Louis was still asleep and Mayra was siting in the living room. He explained to her that Harry will wake up in a couple ofhours before leaving.

Mayra cried happy tears as she ran to Louis's room. She shook him awake and screamed the good news to him. Louis jumped out of bed, getting dizzy in the way, and running to where Harry was at.

He sat in the grey chair and talk to Harry until he felt his hand being squeezed. He jumped out of his chair and brought Harry into a tight hug.

It took a while until Harry was fully away and when he was the first thing he thought was,

"Thank you ,Lord for protecting my angel"

Sorry, it's short.

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