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Zayns pov

"Thank you for coming with me honey. I don't believe i could of stayed in there all by myself." Jay thanked me as he gave my cheek a sweet kiss and a small hug before separating and heading home. I walk back to the car only to see Niall and Harry already in it and with two more people.

"What are you doing in my car?" i asked as i opened the driver's seat and getting in, not bothering to kick none of them out, even though i really wanted to go out and find my brother.

"We're coming with you to find louis." Harry's small voice boomed throughout the car. My head snapped as i turned to look at the back seat.


"Louis is not dead," Harry answered.

"Yeah. if he was dead we would be able to see his body." I stare at Niall before looking around the car. Everyone was nodding, a sincere look on their faces.

"It was a closed casket. It's only a closed casket when the wounds are bad and can't be fixed. Louis only got shot in the back. That will be easy to fix up. So there is no need for a closed casket." Bruno, one of the guys I don't recognize added.

"So... you also believe he is alive?" I asked, hesitant about the answer. A chorus of 'yes' was heard throughout the car. I smiled at them before turning around and grabbing the steering wheel.

"Then let's go find our boy," I yelled as I start the car up and drive off. Cries of joy are mixed with the wind as I drive to the building where Louis was shot. My heart raced as we neared the broken down building. It looks just like how we first saw it.

"Why here?" Niall said in a small voice.

"We can get a clue as to where he is or where their other base is at," I replied, getting out of the car and walking inside the building. The traps were deactivated so we didn't have to worry about them. I walked around until I reached the room where Louis was shot, the memories flooding in.


"No no no! You can't leave me, Louis!" I cried as I entered the room and hugged Louis's body to my own. I rocked us both until I was being pulled away by the backup men.

"No! Don't take him away from me!" I cried harder as I tried getting away from the two men that were holding me back. "Bring him back! He's not dead!"

Harry and Jesy cried harder as the other men covered Louis's body with a white sheet before stuffing his body in those special dead body bags.

"Don't take him!"

"P-please...." Was the last thing I said before everything went black.

~End Of Flashback~

"You okay?" Harry placed his hand on my shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. I lean into the touch and sigh, tear escaping. I give him a small nod, reassuring him that i'm okay and that it was just hard not having louis here.

"We'll find him Z. i promise you." I smile at Harry before finally walking foward. Louis's blood was still ther, dried but there. I averted my eyes from there and headed foward. I stopeed at a closed door, trying to open it only for it to be locked.

"I swear that i unlcoked eveyr singel door in this building." I said to harry who was looking around the place, memorizing everything by the looks of it. He looked up at me and gave me a raised brow look before coming to me.

"Let me open it." He said.

I was hesitant at first but still gave him the gun. He aimed it at the lock and stayed that way for a couple more minutes.

"Pick your hand up a bit more. Don't bend your elbows. Close one eye and look through the little glass right there. You don't put your finger in the trigger when you're not about to shoot. It to be behind the trigger. When you're ready you can finally press the trigger but before all of that you have to pull the hammer down." I helped move his arms in order and put his fingers to where they have to be.

He aimed once more got in position again. He pulled the hammer down and placed his pointer finger on the trigger. He took a deep breath before pulling the trigger. The bullet hit the lock causing it to fall and make a "CLANK' noise when it hit the ground.

"Oh my god! I did it!" Harry shrieked in excitement and pride.

"Good job buddy," I commented. He gave me a wide smile before going through the door, I myself following close behind. The room was empty except for some worn down furniture and some boxes that were scattered around. I walked around the place to see if I can find some clues, I was unsuccessful.

"Can you teach me how to shoot a gun and how to defend myself?" Harry asked out of nowhere. I turned to him to see him standing in the corner of the room, hands in front o him and a sheepish smile on his face. I shook my head before continuing my task.

"Why not? I need to be able to defend myself just in case those bad guys come and take us away again. And so I can protect Louis."

"Louis is strong enough to protect himself. He doesn't need a protector." I hissed at him.

"Then why are you protecting him? Why are you looking for him? If he is as strong as you say he is then why are we wasting time trying to find him?" I stared at Harry for a bit, anger boiling up inside of me.

"Who do you think you are? All of a sudden you think you're better than me and now you want to act like the boss. Well, get this in your head. You're nothing but a little boy, whose family didn't want. So now get back to work and stop fucking bothering me." Harry's watery eyes stared back into my wide ones.

"Oh no no! I'm so sorry! I...i didn't mean any of that." I apologized but knew it was already too late because Harry just shook his head and got back to work. I stared at his back, guilt taking over my body.

"Haz, look at me please." I placed my hand on his shoulder causing him to flinch away from me.

"I'm sorry Harry. I really didn't mean any of that. I...its just the anger of losing louis took over me. I'm sorry." I explained to him. He just nodded his head and continued to walk around the room, head down. I sigh once more before getting back to work myself.

"Zayn we found something!" I hear Niall scream from the other room. I race outside and to where Niall was at. He was holding a piece of paper with coordinates on it.

"This might be where they're keeping Louis." Bruno inquired.

"Or it might be a trap." Harry came up from behind. "What if they knew we were coming back so they planted that piece of paper so they can lull us in and capture us all together."

'He has a point.' I thought as I nodded at him. Everyone else in the room nodded their heads too.


8:21 am

I didn't know I had already finished this chapter and I'm sooooo sorry it took me over a month to realize that. I was actually still writing for this chapter but I was putting different ideas in this chapter that belonged in the other chapters. So yeah chapter 22 will be up maybe by this weekend. Again I'm so sorry.

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