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Third-person pov

Both youngsters screamed as Louis fell down. Harry looked up at the person who shot his boyfriend. He was standing there, smirking his ass off. Harry's insides boiled with anger as he grabbed the pistol that was by Louis's side and seinding bullet after bullet to Him. Harry watched the body fall limp, the gun also slipping from his hand.

"Harry he won't wake up!" Jesy screenmed from where she was next to louis's unconscious body.
Harry looked around frantically before his eyes landed on the walkie talkie in Louis's back pocket. He quickly grabbed it, going to the station that was printed on the walkie talkie.

"Z-zayn! Help us!" Harry cried into the walkie talkie.

"What happened?" zayn's frantic voice came through the thing. Harry ignored it and placed his index and middle finger on louis neck. His face drained from color and more tears started falling.

"H-he's d-dead!" Harry cried into the walkie talkie. Jesy cried as she tried doing CPR on Louis, knowing it was no use.

Zayn's POV

"No no no! You can't leave me louis!" I cried as i entered the room and hugged Louis's body to my own. I rocked us both until i was being pulled away by the backup men.

"No! Don't take him away from me!" i cried harder as I tried getting away from the two men that were holding me back. "Bring him back! He's not dead!"

Harry and Jesy cried harder as the other men covered louis's body with a white sheet before stuffing his body in those special dead body bags.

"Don't take him!"

"P-please...." Was the last thing I said before everything went black.


i awoke to a murderous headache and heartache. The events from the night before are repeating over and over again. It's like they're taunting me by telling me over and over again that I wasn't able to save Louis and that i let him die.

"How are you, honey?" I looked up to see my mother Trisha and Louis's mother Johanna, both giving me sad and broken smiles. my heart broke more when i see Jay wearing Louis's favorite necklace, the one I gave to him the first day he joined the agency. It was a silver paper plane necklace. He would never take it off. Always had it with him.
"I want L-Louis back." my voice broke as a tiny tear slipped from my eye.

"We do to babe, but now he is in a better place." Jay whispered as she clutched the necklace in her hand, eyes getting watery.

"No! I want him now! He's okay. He's not gone." I paused as sobs escaped my mouth. "He wouldnt leave me. He loves me."

Johanna apologized before excusing herself, the scene in front of her eyes was too much for her to handle. Trisha sat beside me and grabbed my shaky hand, kissing the top of it.

"Honey listen to me. Louis is gone. God needed an angel and he took Louis because of how strong and kind hearted he is. He wouldn't want you to be sad over his death." I shook my head like a stubborn 5-year-old and turned away from my mother.

"If you wont brings louis back to me then I will." i paused. "And if you wont help then don't bother talking to me." With that, I got up from the white bed and stormed out of the room. I was in the safe house, meaning I can just go get changed into better clothes and leave to find Louis, who I know damn well is not dead.

As i walked down the hallway I see harry and Niall talking. Niall looked up and gave me a small smile which I ignored. I'm not about to be all lovey dovey with him when my best friend is somewhere out there alive. Niall frowned and looked down at his hands.

"It's okay Niall. He's just sad about Louis's passing." Harry muttered to Niall before guiding him away from there.

I enter my room and looked all over the place. There was a picture of Louis on top of my back, on my nightstand, right next to it was another little painting next to it that said, brothers for life, it also had a small picture of Louis and i in the very bottom from when we first met.

I wiped my eyes as more tears slipped from them, making my way to my closet and getting out a black leather jacket with a black shirt and black jeans. After having changed into them I walked to the other side of my room and got my black combat boots. I grabbed some amo, silencer, and pistol before leaving the room.

As I reach the bottom floor I see everyone is crying while wearing black. I roll my eyes before continuing my way ro the front door, but before i could make it to the door someone stopped me.

"Oh, honey thank you for coming. It wouldn't be the same without you at the funeral." I turned around to see Louis's aunt mary giving me the fakest smile there is. I push her hand off of my arm and walked away from that fucking bitch.

"Zayn love." I roll my eyes once more before turning around once again. Johanna stood there in a long black dress, she looked beautiful, I bet Louis would love to see her.

"Come with me to his funeral." we made eye contact. "Please...?"

I nodded and let her grab my arm as I guided her out of the house and to the car. The drive to the church was short. I help Jay out of the car and into the church where we both waited for the coffin to be brought in. Not long after it was and the ceremony began.

I stood next to a crying Johanna for 2 whole hours until it was finally time to bury the white coffin. I once again led jay out and to the cemetery. I watched as they lowered the coffin down and into the ground before people threw flowers into the hole and the workers started covering it with dirt.

"Rest In Peace My Friend."

2:53 pm
Rest in peace Louis. We will miss you. You were a great person in this book. Till next time my friend.

Leave a heart for Louis. <3

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