Randy Orton

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Did you ever had a time when you went back to the old days? Back to the old music? I went back to the music of my childhood. I was completely on a Backstreet Boys trip. I heard every single song from back then. And the songs were perfect for my current mood. My carrier in WWE went well, but my personal life was miserable. I was broken after the breakup with my ex boyfriend Marcus. It has been two and a half years now. I got over him, but yet I was sad. I was alone. Of course I had my friends and they helped me a lot, but there was something missing. I found this missing piece in Randy. Unfortunately...  I've got a crush on him for quite some time now. I tried my best to get in a conversation with him, but everything failed. I was depressed and kept hiding in the locker room. I wanted to be alone, alone with my thoughts and the music...

It was another day at work. I was sitting in the locker room, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up, just to see my friends Ember Moon and Lana. "Hey Cody. Are you listening to Backstreet Boys again?" Lana smiled at me. "Maybe..." "Those sad songs won't help you to get Randy." Ember sat down next to me. "I know..." I looked down at myself, looking at Randy's shirt. He gave it to me after a match. I didn't knew why he gave it to me, yet it was my favorite shirt. "Come on, we'll get something to eat." Lana took my hands in hers and pulled me away from that chair.

We sat in the catering eventually. Catherine and Adrienne were eating, while I waited for my match. I watched the people around me and soon my eyes landed on one certain man. Randy... My heart was heavy... I sighed and stood up to leave the catering area. "Where are you going, Cody?" "My match is up next..." I answered Cathrine and left.

Asuka's music just stopped. She stood opposites me. I smiled at her. Actually we were good friends since she debut, but today she was my enemy. My head was upside down. Randy was fucking my head pretty well. The bell was ringing and immediately I felt Kanako's fist in my face. It was my wake up call. I stared at her, balled my fist and lunged at her.
The match was done, I was done... It was exhausting and in the end I lost. Well, I thought I would lose. My mind wasn't in the ring...

I showered and packed up my bag. I wanted to leave this place. Today was a horrible day. I lost and my mood was on the lowest. I grabbed my belongings and went to the parking lot. Once I put on my headphones, i forgot about the world around me. And of course I had to bump into a person. I growled and looked up, into those blue eyes. I felt the heat on my cheeks. "I... I'm.." I stuttered. "I'm sorry." I saw how he said something, but I couldn't understand a word, until I realized that I still wore my headphones. I took it off. "What did you say?" "Don't worry, I'm still standing." He smiled at me. I wanted to go away again, but he stopped me. "You got a minute for me?" "Like right now?!" I was shocked. "Yeah... Or later if you got no time..." "Well, I can now and later. Just text me when it's okay." He nodded. I tried to go away once more. But this time he stopped me only to hug me.

I laid in my bed, covered with my blanket and watched TV. Someone was knocking on my door and so I got up to open it. My eyes were wide open when I saw who stood behind the door. "Hey Cody." My whole body was shaking, so nervous I was. "Randy... What are you doing here?" "I don't have your phone number..." I facepalmed myself... "You should have asked." I chuckled and stepped aside. "So you wanted to talk..." "Yeah... I wanted to know if you like me..." He almost whispered. "Sure! We're friends aren't we? So I have to like you..." I'm hundred percent sure that I blushed. I was so down nervous! "Yeah... we're friends..." I almost didn't head him. "What's wrong Randy?" "I don't know how to say this... There's something you should know about me." I was curious... What should I know about him? "Are you okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows... Randy scratched the back of his head. "Well Cody... I'm watching you for a while..." "That's creepy Randy!!" I giggled, but deep inside me I was freaking out. He stood just inches away, my body was longing for him! "I didn't meant like that... I can't keep my eyes away from you! It's like you want me to stare at you!" "I do?" "Yeah... Maybe..." "Please cut to the point." I said with a shaky voice. I wasn't sure what he wanted to tell me... "I like you a lot Cody..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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