Braun Stowman

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I hate shopping! I really really hate it, but this time I had no choice. My boyfriend and I were shopping for new furniture. We decided to move to a nice old house in Orlando, Florida. Now we needed some new things like a bed and a sofa.

It was early in the morning, when Adam woke me up. "Get up, babe! It's Saturday and all pensioners from all over the state will be in the store!" I opened one eye and looked up at him. "Gosh, go back to bed! It's still dark outside!!" "No, get up. I made breakfast!" He winked. Should I get up? There's probably a coffee waiting for me... I groaned and got up. I sat on the edge of the bed, when Adam decided to pick me up. I laid over his shoulder and watched the floor passing by.

Only one hour later we were on our way to the furniture store. I sat on the passenger side, my was head resting on the cold window. By now the sun was rising.

I fell asleep at some point and had no idea how long we were on the road. "Are we nearly there?" "Yep, it's just a block away."
Soon we got out of the car and stared at the huge building in front of us. "Well, let's go." I took Adam's hand and dragged him inside.

After a while we found the bedroom department. I looked for an employee, who could help us to find the perfect bed. It's actually not that easy because of Adam's size. Eventually I found a woman and tapped on her shoulder. "Excuse me?" "Yeah, can I help you?" "Yes. We need a new bed. And he has to fit in it!" I pointed at Adam, who tried to look like a puppy. "Well, let's see if we can help." She guided us to some huuuuuge beds. "That's all we have." Six beds stood across the area. I looked at each one, three were way too expensive! Over 4000$ for a bed!!! "Okay, those beds are too expensive." I pointed behind me. "Okay this one right here is 800$ and it comes with with 2 special mattresses. They balance your body perfectly." She showed us the other beds. "I'll leave you alone now, so you can decide which one you want." We thanked her. I looked at Adam. "So... Which one?" Without even answering, he took a run and hopped on a bed. "Baby! You gonna break it!" He laughed and got comfortable in the bed. "It's okay, but not perfect. My feet are outside of the bed." I shook my head and went to the next one and laid down. "It's quite good. Now you have to fit in it." Adam laid down too, his feet were at the end of the bed. I cuddled up to him. "Yeah, that's not bad."
We went to the last bed. Again he jumped in it. I covered my face with my hands, it was so embarrassing! "That's perfect!" He said and pulled me into the bed. "We take this!" I took the price tag and stared at it. 1,500$! I came from a poor family and although I worked for the WWE now, I tried to save money wherever I could. "Babe, don't look at the price. It's OUR first bed. I don't care who much it costs." He kissed me. "But..." "No but's! We'll take it!"

Once we choose the bed we went to the living room department. "I think we should split up." I stared at the amount of sofas. "Yeah think so too. Okay, I'll go down there and you take the right side. Deal?" "Deal." I kissed my boyfriend and went down the right aisle.
It took me a lot of time until I found THE SOFA. White and light blue fabric, highlights made of steel and the best thing about it: installed speakers in the armrests!! I didn't even looked at the price tag and ran back to Adam. "Baby!! I found the perfect sofa!!!" I took his hands and dragged him to the other end. "Tadaaaaa!" "What is that? Are those speakers?!" "Yes!!!" I clapped my hands. "You saw the price?" "The price doesn't matters! I what it!" "You want to hear music over it." He giggled. "Of course! And imagine how the explosions sound in the movies!!!" He laughed and nodded. "Yeah okay. We take it. But have you seen the price?" I shook my head and looked at the tag. "Oh wow.... 400$." I swallowed down a big lump in my throat. "It's not just peanuts." I said softly. "C'mon, we take it."

The days went by and finally our new bed and the sofa would be delivered. I was beyond hyped! Soon a truck stopped in front of our house. I stormed out of the house and said hello. "You're right in time boys!" I smiled. In 3 hours was my flight to Chicago, another RAW show. Adam was injured so he stayed home and tried to renovate as much as he could. Some parts of the house were still a building site.
The 2 men set up the bed and the sofa and soon they disappeared again. So it was time for me to leave my boyfriend. "Baby, I am on my way. Don't you dare to inaugurate the bed without me!" I kissed him one last time, before I left the house...

Not the best one...but here it is ;)

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