Roman Reigns

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I just broke up with my Boyfriend Drew MacIntyre. And yes it was because of another man, but neither of them knew it. I teamed up with a few great guys for a while now and I started to develop feelings for one of them. I didn't wanted to cheat on Drew in any way and I have to say that we weren't a real, loving couple anymore. Of course he was a great guy! He loved me, he treated me like a princess, but in the end we were just 2 people who lived their lives.
So I had to end it, I had to be honest to myself. Yes, I fell in love with another man.

The weeks went by and I did my job as I was supposed to do. "My guest of this time THE SHIELD!" Renee announced. I stood next to this gorgeous man, but tried to avoid the need to stare at him. "You've got a match tonight against Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin. Got any worries?" "No! We've faced them before, we know what they're capable of." Seth answered her. "What's about you Kaya?" I looked up at Renee. "About me? Well, I'll be there. I'll be there to kick Dolph's ass!" Dolph had a thing for me, even when I was with Drew. So he tried to get me again, but my boys protected me.

The interview was over an we made our way up to this certain door. Our music hit and we went out to the stairs. My boys were in front of me as I was pushed down the stairs. I collided with Joe and the steel posts of the railing. My back was hurting, I fell on the edge of the stairs. I got on my feet again and looked up the stairs. There he stood this little dumb weasel. Drake Maverick! When he was near, AOP couldn't be far. I got myself ready to fight, just like Jon, Colby and Joe. I felt something wet running down ony face. My vision became blurry and slightly red. I touched my face and looked at my hand. "Kaya, you're bleeding!" I shrugged at Joe's comment. "We have to get you out of here!" Colby added. "Don't be stupid! I am okay!" I laughed.

They didn't attacked us once more. Right now I sat in the training room, the company Doc was stitching up the cut on my forehead. "It's nothing big, Kaya. Don't worry." I smiled. Joe sat opposites me, he was here all the time. "Joe, go and change. I can do this ony own." I smiled. "No, I'm waiting for you." Anxiety was written in his face. "Don't worry Joe, I'm fine." "I won't leave your site."
The doc stitched up the cut. And finally I was able to get something to drink. My mouth dry like the desert. I took the bottle from a table in the catering and went to the locker room. I walked around the corner. Suddenly someone bumped into me. Someone who was smaller than me. Drake Maverick! "You little weasel!" I said sternly. "You weren't supposed to push me down the stairs!" I snapped. I grabbed him by his collar and pushed him against the wall. "I'm sorry Kaya! But I had to do it!" "Why?!" "Corbin told me to!" I let him down again. "Go! And tell Corbin that I'll come for him!" Maverick ran as fast as his little legs could move.
I entered the locker room, I was beyond pissed. Corbin will get what he deserves. I pushed my way free, leaving the divas behind me with opened mouths. "Kaya!!" Sasha yelled. "What?!" I turned around and spat at her. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" "Me?! Nothing!!" "Oh did Joe reject you??" I heard Alexa's voice. "Shut the fuck up or I'll shove your head up your ass!!" "Hey calm down Kaya.. what's wrong?" Sasha stood in front of me. "Corbin told Maverick to push me down the stairs!! That fucking idiot wanted me to get hurt!!" Her jaw dropped. "That can't be true!" "What let you think that? We all know that he hates me! Especially since I joined The SHIELD." Sasha nodded. "That's true. What are you going to do now?" "I'll feed him his fucking ass!!"

Stephanie have us a 2nd opportunity to beat the shit out of Corbin, McIntyre and Ziggler. The boys made their way out to the ring, while I waited for my time. I stayed in the backstage area, because Joe wanted me to be safe. If he'd knew that I was about to come out though.
The match was over and Corbin and his lapdogs won. I ran through the curtain and down the ramp. "Corbin!!!" I screamed at him. He stood in the ring, nowhere to go. The boy surrounded the ring, without even knowing why. "You dumb ass!!" I yelled and took a run. The spear hit him and he cried out in pain. I grabbed his head and punched in his face. At some point I snapped. I was so mad at Corbin!! His nose began to bleed and someone dragged me away from him. "Let me go!!" Joe picked me up and carried me out of the arena.

We were back in The SHIELD's locker room. Joe was staring at me. "What is wrong with you?" I said calmly. "He told Maverick to push me down those damn stairs!!" Joe stared at me. "Who told you that?!" "Maverick. He was almost pissing himself!" Joe nodded. "Well, in that case... I haven't seen anything." He winked at me. I stood up to leave the locker room. "Hey Kaya?" "Yes Joe?" I smiled at him. There they were again, the butterflies in my stomach. I felt the heat on my cheeks. He touched my shoulder and smiled. This gorgeous smile.... "You're pretty strong and tough." Bam!! Friendzone!! I nodded, looked away and wanted to run away, but Roman still held my arm. "Don't go... Do you know what you did to me?" "What do you mean?" "I... I don't know how to say that." My heart stopped beating. "I like you... a lot..." I couldn't hide the smile anymore. I hugged him, my body forced me to! "I like you too." I whispered. "Would you go out on a date with me?" "Absolutely!"

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