Randy Orton

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My very first time in a RAW live show and I was excited as fuck. For almost 20 years I watched WWE and ECW and I have to say that Randy Orton was my all-time favorite.

My male best friend Kyle and I sat on our front row seats as RAW started. The smell of the firework filled the arena. Adrenaline rushed through my body. And then this music hit. The music of a man I never liked. "My name is Paul Heyman..." Although I wasn't in this business, I wanted to punch this goddamn idiot!
After Paul Heyman announced Brock Lesnar, the uncomfortable guy came down the ramp. Heyman talked about shit like do not provoke the beast and whatever. At some point Paul called out to someone who wanted to say what the man or woman thought about Lesnar. I stayed quiet and looked around me. There were fans of Lesnar, who screamed like idiots. "You!" Heyman pointed in my direction, but I believed he meant someone else. I looked at the people next to me. "Yes you! The girl with the brown hair!" I put my finger on my chest and Heyman nodded. I began to sweat... Not because of Lesnar, no, mainly because of the people here. Kyle pushed me up on my feet and literally over the barricades. I made my way over to the ring and got inside. I looked at this tall guy and began to wonder if he would harm me in any way. "So, tell the world... No! Tell Randy Orton what a great person Brock Lesnar is!" What?! I laughed. "What's so funny Miss?" I grabbed the microphone from Heyman. "Well... You choose the wrong person... I'm not a fan of Brock! There's nothing good about him, which I could tell. He's mean and he can do only 2 moves... A low blow and a suplex and he's still here! He hurts people who are not trained, he beats them into the hospital! A fair man wouldn't do such things! He would fight like a grown ass man and not like an asshole, who knows he can't win without cheating!" I stared at Brock, who actually laughed. I dropped the mic and heard the audience clap. I wanted to make my way out of the ring as Brock stopped me. One last look in his eyes told me to run. Would he hurt a woman? He grabbed my arm, tighter and tighter. I felt how the blood stopped running through my veins. My hand was numb and I started to hope that someone would help me. A bunch of referees ran out to us, but they couldn't get Brock away from me. He held me tighter than before. Paul tried to convince him to let me go, but he didn't even listened.
I hear voices in my head...
My rescue was near! Randy rushed down to us and attacked Brock immediately. As soon as Brock let go of me, the referees brought me to the backstage area. They wanted me to be checked by the medical staff. Everything was fine and so I wanted to return to my seat, but Stephanie McMahon stopped me. "I'm so so sorry! I hope you are alright?" "Yes, thank you Mrs McMahon!" We started talking and soon we were interrupted by Randy. "Did he hurt you?" "Well, a little bit, but I can live with it." I smiled, my heart was jumping up and down in my chest. "Please stay here, I don't want you to get hurt once more." "Thank you, but I have a friend out there, who waits for me. I'll better go. Thanks for the help." I smiled, probably being red like a tomato. I made my way down to the exit, so I could go back to Kyle. I opened the heavy door as I heard noises behind me. I turned around and saw Randy laying on the concrete floor. I hesitated to run back, but eventually I ran back. He helped me so I'll try to help him. I ran the way back and fell to my knees. "Randy?" He looked up at me with wide open eyes. "Run away!" He yelled and pushed me away. Right in the moment as I fell on my left side, a steel chair hit the spot, where I kneeled down before. Brock stood there, holding the chair in his hands. I stared at him, trying to get away from him. I felt something cold and heavy behind me, grabbed it and held it in front of me to protect myself. The steel chair hit the metal pipe. What's his goddamn problem? I just told the truth. A bunch of other superstars came up to us and pushed Brock away. A woman bent down to me. I didn't knew who she was, I just stared at Randy. "Hey girl? Are you okay?" I looked up to her, to Sasha Banks. "Yeah... Yeah, I'm okay." I stuttered. She helped me up to my feet. The medics rushed over to us and took care of Randy. "Where's she?" He asked over and over again. Sasha guided me to the stretcher, on which Randy laid. I looked at him, as he took my hand. "She's coming with us!" He said to the medics. "No... No, I'm okay." He shook his head. "Just to be sure that he didn't hurt you." I nodded eventually and followed the medics to the ambulance.

I decided to wait for Randy or any news about him. The docs checked me and I wasn't hurt, except for a tiny scratch on my arm. I texted Kyle earlier, to let him know what happened and that i was okay. A nurse rushed up and down the hallway where I sat. She stopped in front of me. "Are you the girl that got here with the ambulance? I mean with Mr Orton.." "Yes...." "Please follow me." I did what she said and she brought me to Randy. "Hi Randy." I said shy. "Hi... Uhm..." "Oh sorry, I'm Clair." "Are you okay Clair?" "Yes, but what's about you?" "Oh just a few bruises." He smiled and got off the bed. "What about we have drink now?" Randy suggested and I agreed. Well, who wouldn't? Plus he saved me tonight, so I had to make it up again. "Good idea. It's on me."

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