AJ Styles [ part 1 ]

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"The house that AJ STYLES build" I had goosebumps all over my body, like every time I heard his voice. Yes, I was a fan girl, but not one of those pushy fans. I liked AJ, but I'd never yell at him or something like that. I just enjoyed him in the ring. Actually I also never had seen him outside the ring, like at a autograph session.
So here I was, in the middle of the crowd and enjoyed the match.

Soon the match was over and I made my way to the hotel, i stayed in. I was from Charlotte, North Carolina, so I had to stay over night, since the show was in Columbia, South Carolina. I walked the few blocks to the hotel. I thought about the evening and the matches, when a car drove by. Because it has been raining the entire day, the street was covered in puddles. So as the car drove by, it went right through a huge puddle. Now guess who's wet to the bones... Right... My clothes were dripping wet. I looked down at myself. "Great! You fucking idiot!" I screamed. My makeup was probably all over my face. I sighed and walked the street down. I hoped that the employees of the hotel would let me in. Suddenly a car stopped next to me. "Hi, need a ride?" I shook my head and walked away. I won't get in a car with someone I don't know! Again the car stopped next to me. "Listen, I ain't getting in your car!" "But you'll getting a cold!" "Yeah maybe!" I turned away and went the street further down. I came to a crossroad and had to wait for the green light of the traffic light. The car stopped right in front of me, blocking my way. For the first time I bent over and looked at the driver. My jaw dropped. "Hop in. I won't hurt you." I stared at him. "No, I... I can't." I stuttered. I couldn't believe my eyes! "Don't worry... I'm a nice guy." "Yeah, I know..." I mumbled but he heard me. "You know? Oh so you're a fan." "Yeah... No... A little bit." "A little bit?" "I like wrestling but I'm not like the the fans in the arenas. I just enjoy the matches without screaming." I smiled. "Oh yeah. C'mon, you're dripping wet. You'll catch a cold." I hesitated, it was against my nature. My mom told me not to get in a strange car. He smiled at me, which melted my heart. "Okay." I got in, immediately apologizing for making the seat wet. "Don't worry, it's just a rental car." I chuckled.
We talked a little before he actually asked where my hotel was. "Oh it's right in front of us." "That?" He asked, pointing at a huge build. "Yes!" "Well, looks like we're in the same hotel." He smiled. "By the way... What's your name?" "Debbie." "Hi Debbie. I'm Allen." I smiled at him. He was even more attractive in real life than in ring. "So your boyfriend let go alone to the show?" "Boyfriend? Nice joke. I don't have one." I laughed. "If I had one, he wouldn't let me walk alone and won't let me get in a car with a stranger." "Well, you know my name, so I'm no stranger." We laughed and soon we arrived at the hotel. "Thanks for the ride." "You're welcome." It went silent as we made our way to the lobby. "Yeah, I think I have to make up for the ride. Why don't we get a drink later?" I don't know what came over me. Actually I wasn't like this. I'd never asked a man out, or at least asked to get a drink. "Yeah, why not?" "Great, see you in an hour in the bar?" "Yes!" I smiled. Suddenly I became nervous, my stomach was one huge knot, my hands were shaking. I waved goodbye and went to my room.

An hour later I sat in the hotel own bar. I had a hot shower and changed in new clean clothes. I already ordered a drink and waited for Allen. I played with the ice cubes in my drink to get rid of the boredom. I felt a pair of lips on my cheek and startled. I looked up at Allen. "Oh my gosh! You scared the hell out of me!" I giggled. "I'm sorry. I'm not like that. I'm so sorry!" He apologized. "It's okay. Don't worry!"

We talked about random stuff until 4pm. We went to our rooms eventually. We had to get up in a few hours.
3 or 4 hours later I woke up again. The sun was shining right through the curtain. I got up, did my morning routine and went to the breakfast buffet.

I was wondering if Allen was ready gone. It was a great night and I got to know the man behind AJ Styles. I have to admit that he was a great guy! A real gentleman.
It was time for me to leave Columbia again. Once I packed up my stuff, I got ready to leave the hotel. I locked the door behind me and went the corridor down to the elevator. I was kinda disappointed that I haven't seen Allen again.
Soon I stuffed my belongings in the trunk of my car. I closed it and went around my car to get in. "Debbie!!!" I heard my name and looked up. "Gosh, I thought you left already." "I was about to leave." "Hey it was a great night..." For some reason my heart sunk to the ground. My head was upside down. I felt like I would start to cry any second now. "I want to do it again..." I let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah, of course." I smiled weakly, my whole body was shaking. "Are you okay?" "Yes..." "Doesn't look like it." "Believe me, I'm okay." I smiled. "Okay." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Just thought you'd say something else." "Like what?" "Like... I... Like 'the it was a great night, but I don't want to see you again'..." I stuttered. "What? No! I mean... We just know each other since yesterday but... It feels good to be around you." I probably blushed and looked away. "You are cute when you blush..." He chuckled. I couldn't help it, I smiled and felt like I was on cloud nine. Allen handed me one of his gloves. "Here, I don't want you to forget me." He kissed my cheek and went away, leaving me there next to my car.

I was back home after a long ride. I stared at Allen's glove and thought about that night. Just then I realized that he actually wrote something on it. Call me. I smiled and grabbed my phone. "Hi phenomenal one, how's the ride to your next stop? Debbie." I couldn't wait to text him. "Thought you'd never text me! It's quite boring, wish I could sit in a bar with you..." "That'll be great... We can do this again.. whenever you want..." "ASAP! :D I can't believe what you did to me... I kinda miss you.."

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