Dean Ambrose [ Part 2 ]

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It has been a week since Jonathan left again. It was time for him go back on the road. It was late at night and I couldn't get any sleep. I sat on the sofa, a hot chocolate with whipped cream in my hands. I watched old episodes of medical detectives and was focused on the current case. My phone buzzed and I startled by the sound. I took my phone, a message from Jon.
"Hi Allie... Just thought of you and I wanted to ask you if we see each other again..." I smiled and answered him immediately.
"Of course!! Can't wait to see you again!!" I looked back at the TV. Again my phone buzzed.
"Great! We're in Indianapolis next week!" "Sound's good to me! Got holidays next week!" We texted a little longer. "Btw... Why are you still awake?!" "Can't sleep.. and you are awake too :D"  I chuckled. "Yeah, got too many things on my mind..." "What's wrong?" "Renee is driving me crazy... Since I've spent the week with you, she thinks that we had something..." "What's her problem? Are you not allowed to have friends?" "Well... No friends who got boobs... Anyways... Can we spent the day together when I'm in Indianapolis?" "I hoped that you'd ask me ;D missed to spend time with you..." "Me too... You should sleep now... Have a good night!" He was right, I should go to bed...

The time has come and I drove to Indianapolis. I decided to stay there over night, so I didn't had to drive back in the middle of the night. It was 6am, the streets were already filled with trucks.
After an hour I finally arrived at the hotel. I took small bag and made my way to the reception. "Welcome! How can I help you?" The woman behind the counter asked. "Hi, my name is Allie Shames. I booked a room." I gave her my ID and soon she handed out the key. I put my ID back in my purse as I had the feeling of being watched. I turned around and saw Renee. I went over to her to say hello. "Hi Renee!" "Shut up! I know what you are planning!" My jaw dropped. I had no idea what she was talking about. "What do you mean?" "Oh don't be stupid!! You're trying to take my man away from me!" "Hold on Renee! I don't want to steal your boyfriend!" "Then why are you here?!" Well.. Why Was I here? Because I wanted to see her boyfriend, because I wanted to spend time with him... "Because I wanted to see an old friend and because this old friend wanted to see me." "I have an eye on you Allie! Don't touch him!!" Renee was pissed... And I loved to tease people, who are mad. Renee was about to leave when Jonathan came. "Allie!!" "Jon!" I hugged him tight. I knew Renee didn't liked it. "Great you had time for me!" "Always Jon." I smiled. "So you two are spending time again?" Renee was about to explode. "Yes. You got a problem with that?" "Yes, she's trying to steal you from me!" I laughed. It was so embarrassing for us, Renee was freaking out in the middle of the lobby. "Renee stop it! It's enough!" Jonathan took my hand and dragged me to the elevator. "She hates me." "She hates every woman who I'm friends with." Again he was mad. "Hey, calm down. We're enjoying the day and tonight you got a show. It'll be a great day!" He nodded.

We just arrived at a small French café. I needed an espresso now. We ordered our coffee and a cake. We talked about the relationship between Jonathan and Renee. I shook my head, I couldn't believe that he was still with her. He told me about the times she freaked out because he hugged a co-worker, a friend, a fan... "Why are you still in a relationship with her?" "I have no idea..."

Jonathan asked me to join him behind the scenes of the show and I agreed. Jonathan was outside in the ring for his match against Elias. Soon the match was over and Jon came back victorious. "You did great out there!" I hugged him. "Thanks." For some reason I kept staring at him. What is wrong with me? My hand found its way up to his face. My thumb was caressing his cheek. I startled by my own movements... I turned away, with cheeks red like a tomato. "I'm so sorry. I'll go back to the hotel." With that I left the building.

What am I doing here?! Why am I doing this?! He's a taken man!! I mentally slapped myself. I should go back home, before I do anything I'd regret. I stood on the small balcony and stared into the starry night. The cold air sent a shiver down my spine. "What on earth is going on here?" I sighed softly. "I can answer this question." I heard a male voice behind me. I turned around and saw Jonathan standing in my room. "How could you come in here?!" "You left the door unlocked." He shrugged his shoulders. Jonathan came closer. "Why did you leave?"  "Because... I was about to do something very stupid... I didn't wanted to cause any problems." "What could be so stupid that you leave?" "Jon please..." He came closer again, but I just went inside. "Allie! What could it be?" I stood in front of him, again I was staring at him. Again I had this urgent need to kiss him. Eventually I gave in to my desire. I pressed my lips on his. My eyes teared up, now I just wanted to run away... But Jonathan's arms embraced me, pulling me closer to him. I felt his heartbeat... He pulled away, smiling at me. "Don't you dare to leave again."

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