Jeff Hardy

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"Why do you choose to do this? To be a WWE diva? I mean it's a tough job." A woman in the audience asked me. This charity event meant a lot to me. It was for breast cancer and it was my turn to get through an interview.
"Yeah it's tough, but it's also fun. I choose the hard way and I managed to get it done. I wanted to prove all the doubters wrong. I wanted to show that women can do much more than everyone thinks." The audience applauded. I was nervous as fuck, but after a few questions I could go back to my seat. I sat down and drowned my drink. I smiled at the persons next to me. I wasn't alone here. Some divas and superstars came to that charity event too. Opposites me sat Natalya, Carmella, Alexa Bliss. On my left side sat Renee Young and Dean Ambrose. On my right side sat Mickie James, Matt and Jeff Hardy. The Hardy boys were my idols when I was young, now I fought in the same ring.

It was a long night and my head was pounding. I had to get up though. In 4 hours I had to be ready for my flight to London. Smackdown and RAW had live shows there, which meant I had to be there early enough to train the moves with Carmella. We had a match against each other there and we both don't want to get hurt because one of us doesn't know the order of moves.

Day one of our training days was over, 2 more to come. I was exhausted and tired, but it was too early to go to bed. It's Friday and so I decided to go out. I asked Carmella to join me. Yes, she's an egoist in ring but a real sweetheart in real life.

It took us an hour to get ready and soon we went the street down to a small pub. The pub was filled with people, who talked, laughed and sang. "Wow. That's a nice place." Carmella giggled. I nodded and we made our way to get a table. Luckily there was one last table, so we sat down and talked. "I'm going to get some drinks." I said and stood up. At the bar I ordered 2 beer. Someone pushed me so I fell to the left. I fell onto a guy. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry." I got off the guy. "Don't worry." I looked up at him. "Jeff! What are you doing here?" I hugged him. "Having a drink, just like Leah and you." "Wanna come over to our table?" I smiled at him. He nodded and so we went back to the table.

After a few hours Jeff went to the toilet and Carmella got closer to me. "You know he has a thing for you right?" "What do you mean?" "He likes you goddamn." She giggled. "You think so?" I blushed. He was a legend, so why would he like me?! "I know it. I talked with him about you. No man would ask about your favorite things." She winked. "Yeah..." I simply said and my thoughts drifted off. I had to think about some moments when he asked me about flowers and chocolate, when we took a walk through a park before a show. "Joe?" I looked back at Leah. "Yes?" "What's wrong?" Oh nothing, just thought about something." I smiled and looked at my beer.

The night was over and the three of us went back to the hotel. Carmella was the first to disappear in her room. Jeff walked me to my room. "It was nice, thanks for that." "You're welcome." I hugged him, but instead of letting me go he pulled me closer. I didn't mind it. He let me go and looked deep in my eyes. Jeff came closer, our lips just an inch away. I couldn't help, I got closer to him. Our lips connected. What am I doing here?! He pulled away and smiled. "Josephine? Would you go on a date with me?" I blushed. "Of course I will."

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