Roman Reigns

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For over 2 years I've been a member of the WWE main roster, now RAW. I've been a friend of the Usos, Naomi, Nia and the Shield and even closer friends with Roman. Only problem, he was also my crush. From the very first day in NXT i had feelings for him, but he didn't knew it, no one did. It was my own secret, which i tried to keep as one.
It was a usual day at RAW, while i watched Ro's match against Kevin Owens i was visited by Nia."Hi Haley what's up? Please, don't tell me you're staring at Leati again." Again? "Staring? Why should I stare at him?" "Gosh girl... I know what you feel for him, It is not to be overlooked that you love him." Nia laughed and i blushed in a deep red. "You can't keep nothing from me." "Please Nia, don't tell him anything." "No, don't worry Haley." I totally forgot Roman's match and when i looked back at the screen, the match was over. Nia and i made our way to the gorilla because my match against Charlotte was up soon. I talked to Nia when Roman walked towards us. "You're next?" "Yes." I smiled at Roman. "Good luck." He hugged me tight. Although he was sweaty as fuck, i didn't mind it.

I lost my match against Charlotte, because her lapdog Dana attacked me. I made my way back to my locker room as i walked along Roman... and Sasha Banks?! She literally hang on him and kissed him! I felt anger, disappointment and jealousy grow inside me. Roman stared at me, pushing Sasha away. "Haley! Wait! It's not like that..." I heard him yelling as i ran to my room. I shut the door behind me and threw everything around what I could find. Glass scattered across the floor, broken lockers and a damaged tv covered the floor. I stared at my bleeding knuckles. A knock on the door disturbed me. Nia stepped in. "Gosh! What have you done!?" She rushed over to me, taking my bleeding hands in hers. "Anger management..." I simply said. "Yeah.. I see. What happened? Is it because of Charlotte and Dana?" "No..." "Roman?" I hesitated and nodded. "What has he done?" I shook my head, i didn't wanted to look like a jealous freak. "Did he hurt you?" "Kind of..." "Jeez, talk to me!" "I saw him kissing Sasha..." "Sasha? Like Sasha Banks?" I nodded, but Nia began to laugh. "Oooh don't worry about that. He doesn't even likes her. Maybe she wants to get to your head." "Why should she and why does she know she'd get me with that?" "I don't know, but it wasn't Leati's fault." She hugged me tight. "You have to talk to him!" "No Nia! I can't! I can't go to him and say 'hey Joe, by the way i love you '!" "Dummy, no one said you should say it like that." "Nia i just can't... It's better when he doesn't know it and i keep it as a secret. It would ruin our friendship." "Believe me, it won't." With a huge smile she pushed me out of my locker room.

Once the company doctor bandaged my hands, i went to the catering. Seth's match was up and Roman sat in front of a tv. I got pushed in his direction. I stumbled and looked behind me, seeing Sasha. I stared at her for a second as she pointed towards Roman. "Go!" She mouthed. I shrugged my shoulders and turned around to Ro. My phone buzzed and I looked at it. "Go! Don't worry. I just wanted to test out if you have feelings for him... Obviously you have. Now go to him!!" I got a message from Sasha! My hands began to shake... Roman stood up and came towards me. "Oh my god... i can do this.. i can!" I thought to myself. "Hi Haley." His deep voice sent a shiver up and down my body. His hand brushed my lower arm. I looked up to him and blushed. "I have to get away from here!" I whispered and rushed out of the canteen. "Haley! Wait!" I heard Ro behind me. He caught up to me and stopped me. "Can we talk?" "Su..sure." i stuttered. Roman guided me to an unused room. "What's up Ro?" "I...uhm... Would you go out with me?" I stared blankly at him. "Like... On a date?" It burst out of me. "Yes, like a date." "Only if you answer me one question." "Okay." "Why the hell couldn't you ask me that on a hallway instead of this scary, creepy room?" He began to laugh. "Because I wanted to ask you in a privat moment. Plus I was scared that you'd say no." I chuckled. "So it's a yes?" "Yes... a date..." "Good I'll pick you up around 8 tomorrow night." I nodded and kissed him on his cheek. My whole body was shaking as i left the room.

Date night was coming closer and I was nervous as shit. I just slipped in a nice black dress with the help of Nia. "You look great! Stop worrying about your look." She giggled as i brushed my hair for the 7th time. "I don't know. Don't you think it's too much?" "No!! Just add your makeup and we're done." She pushed me towards a chair and placed me on it. After a few minutes my smokey-eyes makeup was done and a knock came up on the door. I grabbed my stuff and rushed to the door. I opened it and saw Roman, dressed in a black tuxedo and open Hair. "Wow! You look fantastic!" "Thanks Joe, you too." I smiled. He took my Hand, kissed it and led me to our date destination.

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