Baron Corbin

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It's my very first day in the RAW main roster. I was nervous as fuck. I fought in several countries just to become a WWE diva.
Right now I stood in the middle of the parking lot and had no idea where to go. I should meet up with Stephanie McMahon and Acting General manager Baron Corbin, but I had no idea where they were. I was lost in the middle of a crowded place. "Excuse me?" I stopped several peoples but no one helped me. "Fuck you, damn idiot." I said, after the last one I asked just ignored me. By now I was pissed off. I decided to find the way on my own.

After hundreds of hallways I finally found Stephanie McMahon's office. I sighed heavily. On the heavy metal door in front of me was a big sign saying COMMISSIONER. I knocked on the door and waited to go in. Soon I heard Stephanie's voice and entered the room. "Welcome to WWE, Robbin." She said friendly. "Hello Mrs McMahon." I smiled. "Please call me Stephanie. Have a seat!" I nodded and sat down. "So finally you are here. It's your first day at RAW and you have to learn how everything works here, but I'm sure you'll do just fine. You'll have your debut match at Royal Rumble. The women's Evolution is ready for a new face!" "At Royal rumble?" "Yes! The 2nd women's Royal Rumble! You'll enter the rumble and hopefully win." I nodded in agreement. "But you'll be on RAW tonight. No match. No fight. We want you to just interrupt the match of the current women's champion Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon." "Well, I will have fun!" "I thought so." She giggled. Right in that moment, the door swung open and Baron Corbin entered the room. He eyed me up and down. Immediately I felt uncomfortable. "Thomas! This is our new diva Robbin Stern." He nodded and said hi. Baron turned to Stephanie. "You really want to have HER in the roster?!" "Excuse me?" I stood up, staring at him. "Yes I want her. Luckily it's non of your business who I want in the company." Stephanie smiled at me. "Thomas, you'll show her around!" Stephanie handed me a script and wished me a good time in WWE.

Of course Baron didn't showed me where everything was, but luckily the WWE had some nice people who actually helped me. Well at least they helped me now...
Once Baron left me at the catering, I found someone who could show me the women's locker room. "Thank you Liv." "You're welcome. I just don't  get it... Why did Baron leave you there?" "I really don't know. He was so unfriendly from the first moment." "Do you know him?" "No... Actually I know no one. I Haven't been in a Performance Center, in NXT or in Japan." "Well now you know me." We laughed. "Here it is! I'll introduce to you everyone." She pushed the door open and we stepped in.
Actually the girls were all nice, except for Alexa Bliss. She just ignored me. Some of the girls invited me to a girls night and I agreed. It's the best way to get to know your coworkers.

The show was over and the segment went well. I haven't punched anyone, like Stephanie said. Although I wanted to crush Alexa. There was just something about her that I didn't liked.
The Riott squad, Nia Jax, Ember Moon, Sasha, Bayley and I just ordered our drinks. We found a karaoke bar and thought it could be fun. "So it's your first day in WWE and you already made some enemies." Dori, aka Rubi Riott, giggled. "Yeah I would call that a good day!" Sarah Logan laughed. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't even know why they don't like me. I mean, I've been nice, actually I'm not that nice..." I chuckled, but I was wondering why he disliked me.

The night went over way too fast. We had so much fun and the girls were really great people, other than the characters they play in the ring.
I just woke up and decided to go to the gym before I'd head to the next city. I started with a skipping rope to warm up.

Punch after punch hit the punching bag. By now I was sweaty and tired. I paused for a moment as I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked through the room and saw Baron. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why was he staring at me?! I shrugged it off and continued the work out.

I sat on the passenger side of Liv's car. She forced me to join her. "So Baron was staring at you in the gym?" "How do you know?!" "I saw him." She simply said. "Yeah... That was weird right?" "Yeah it was. I never caught him staring at someone." "My his hatred towards me must be tremendous." "Don't think so. He doesn't looked like he hates you." "What do you mean?" I stared hat her. "He likes you." "Ooooh stop kidding me. That's not true." For some reason I had to smile... I tried to stop it... "Are you smiling Robbin?" Liv laughed.  "No!" "Of course you are!" I shook my head and looked out of the window. "You got a thing for him! You just don't realize it." "That's not true." I simply said and put my headphones on.

We arrived in Sacramento, California. Immediately we got our bags and went to the reception of the hotel.

It has been some weeks now and I slowly got used to the daily routine in this company. Plus I got a admirer, Dolph Ziggler. He got me roses and chocolate and was all nice, but I rejected him over and over again.
   I stood in the catering and waited for Liv, Rubi and Sarah, as Dolph came to me. "I got something for you." He smiled and held up a bunch of purple roses. "Listen Dolph, I'm not interested. You're a great guy! Please, leave me alone and look for a woman that appreciates you. I'm sorry." He still smiled. "Okay." He turned around and left me. "That's not over." I heard someone behind me and so I turned around. "What do you mean by that Baron?" I was kinda shocked that he talked to me. "He's not done with you. He'll try to make you his." "He won't get that done. I'm not interested in him." I smiled. The more time I spent with Baron the more I started to like him. He was a good guy. "Be careful Robbin." He said and disappeared in the hallway. I shrugged it off and went to the locker room since Liv hasn't come yet. I walked the hallway down to the women's locker room as I felt a hand on my back. "Robbin?" "Please Dolph, leave me alone!" He pushed me against the wall behind me. "Why should I?" His face came closer. Suddenly he fell on the floor. A black figure hovered over him, beating the crap out of him. I need a second to get my mind back. I got between the both men and tried to stop them.  I pushed the man on top of Dolph away. "Stop it!!" I yelled. The man stood up and came closer. "Are you okay?" "I.. I'm fine Baron." I stuttered. He hugged me. Immediately I felt this spark and I felt comfortable. I snuggled up to his chest, feeling his muscles underneath the shirt. "Thank you Thomas." I whispered. "I'm always there for you." He held me even closer. It felt so good. "Aaawwww, look at them!!!" I startled and looked at the persons behind me. Liv, Sasha, Rubi and Bayley were laughing. Bayley came closer saying: "I've got the perfect chipping name for you! CorBin!"

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