Seth Rollins

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My family, my man and I were at nice fish restaurant, celebrating our engagement. Everyone was there, except for my big brother Henry. He was in Afghanistan for over a year now.

"It's a great place, Susanna!" My mom said. "Yeah, it is." I enjoyed my salmon with a dill sauce. I loved this place! There was no better restaurant when it comes to fish. We were in a deep conversation, when Colby stood up and left the table. I watched him as he went the whole room down to the restroom. "How did he ask you?" My mom asked and so I looked back at her. "Oh, we were at the amusement park, when we were in Kansas City. We were on a roller coaster ride and once we left it he got down on one knee and well... He asked me." I told my family. It has been some weeks since he asked me to marry him. My dad started to talk about random stuff, when suddenly someone put his hands on my eyes. "C'mon babe, I know it's you!" I smiled, but the hands didn't disappeared. "What's about me?" I heard Colby next to me. I got nervous immediately. "Who's there?!" I tried to push the hands away. "I hope you missed me." This voice! This deep voice! Immediately I began to cry. I freed myself from the hands, jumped up and hugged the man behind my chair. "What are you doing here?!" I was sobbing and held my brother close. "I couldn't miss my sister's engagement dinner!" I cried badly. My whole makeup was smeared. "Why didn't you call me or whatever!?" "Because it was his idea." Henry pointed at Colby. "You fucking idiot!!!" I hugged him too. "You asshole!" I couldn't hold my emotions back. I kissed Colby and hugged him even tighter. "I love you so much baby!"

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