Sami Zayn

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"You've got his number?! Why don't you call him?" My cousin Curt Hawkins asked me. "And what should I say?" "Maybe hi, I have to tell you something or something like that." "You're not very smart, aren't you?" He slapped my arm. "Be nice Hayley! I'm going to tell Aunt Sue!" He said laughing. "You won't tell Mom, I know you." We were laughing, although we were talking about something quite important. "To come back to you problem... Just try it." I shook my head. "I can't Brian."

I had an interview to do any minute now and so I was on my way to Mike Rome. I walked along a small aisle. Something caught my attention and I looked over to the aisle. What I saw there stopped my heart. My jaw dropped. There he stood, holding Liv Morgan close. They were laughing and cuddling with each other. I felt the tears in my eyes. "Keep them inside Hayley!" I said to myself. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. But I had to stay focused on my interview. I swallowed my emotions and buried them deep, deep down inside of me.

The interview was over and I ran to Stephanie's office. Without even knocking I stormed the room. "Hayley?!" "I want a match!" "When and who?" "Tonight. Liv Morgan." "Why she?" "I haven't fight her until now. I want her! Tonight!" Stephanie looked at me like she thought about it. "That's actually a good idea. We had to call off one match. Deal, you'll get your match. Get ready your match is up soon."

I stretched out my arms and legs, while I waited for my music to hit. Eventually I heard the music and went through the curtain.
            Liv got the beating of her life. I got disqualificated, because I maybe used a steel chair. But who cares? I had to get my emotions out now and ran out to the parking lot.
I cried for so long that I had no more tears to cry... It was my fault... I should have tell him long ago... Now it's too late.

I went back to the locker room, ignoring questions about my makeup and where I have been. "Hayley! Wait!" I heard this familiar voice and stopped. "What?!" I spat at Brian. "Oh sorry, something wrong?" "Everything is wrong!!" I almost yelled. I turned around and stormed off.

Once I grabbed my belongings I left the arena. I was scared to see them again and I was furious. Furious, because I let something like Love happen to myself. After quite some time I arrived at the hotel and went straight to my room. I didn't wanted to see anyone.
An hour or two went by when a knock disturbed my crying. I ignored it and buried my head under a pillow. Soon I felt a body next to mine. "Go!" I said loud. "No." I sat up and looked at Brian. "What are you even doing here?!" "I was worried and you left the door unlocked." He shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes and let myself fall back on the bed. "Tell me." "Tell you what?" "What happened?" "Nothing." And back was the image of Sami and Liv. I fought the tears. "Let it out and then you'll tell me what happened..." Brian hugged me. I inhaled. "He's got something with Liv." I let it out... "No way!" Brian's jaw dropped. "I saw them right before my interview..." My cousin hugged me even tighter.

*Sami's POV*

I've got a bad feeling with Liv. It doesn't felt right. From the very first day, it felt wrong. She was all girly and touchy and was around me all day long. Liv sat next to me, in my locker room. "Liv?" "Yeah, babe?" "I think it's not a good idea." I didn't knew how to break up! Actually I was always the one, who heard those words. "What is not a good idea?" "This relationship... It doesn't feels right." "Are you breaking up with me?!" I hesitated. "Yes." Liv said nothing and stormed out of the room.

A week went by and it was Monday night again. I went the hallways down with Kevin Owens next to me. I was promptly stopped by Liv. "You'll get what you deserve!!"

*Hayley's POV*

I just entered the arena and heard Liv's loud voice. "You can't break up with me!!" She screamed. Everyone's attention turned to her. I stood near them and watched her. Sami was kinda embarrassed. She slapped his chest over and over again. I couldn't watch it any longer and stepped between her and Sami. "What's wrong with you Liv? Got rejected?" " Shut up and go Hayley!" "I won't go. You have no right to slap him." "He broke up!" "Well, then he probably has a good reason for it." She slapped me right across my face. I felt Sami's arms around me, he turned me around to face him. "Calm down..." I shook my head. It was already too much, when she slapped the man I loved, but when she slapped me, I freaked out. I turned around to Liv and kicked in her stomach. "How dare you to slap me?! How dare you to slap Rami?!" I spat at her. "Oh, little Hayley got a crush on Rami, right?" She smirked. It doesn't bothered me that Sami knew it now. "At least I treat him like he deserves it!" I had enough of her shit and speared her. She cried out in pain. Again I felt Sami's arms around me, but this time he just held me close. "Let's go Hayley." He whispered and we went to his locker room.
He took care of my red cheek, giving me an ice pack. "Thanks for saving me Hayley." "You're welcome." I smiled, but my face hurt so much. "I've got a question..." He said softly, almost whispered. "What's it?" "You really got a crush on me?" My pulse stopped immediately. I totally forgot about that! I thought about something, I could say. But then he hugged me. "May want to go on a date with me?"

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