Karl Anderson [ part 2 ]

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Chad and Shinsuke were back at our table. Luke was in the restroom, while Shinsuke talked to someone. "I know I asked you already, but would you go out with me? Just pancakes or something like that!" I smiled at Karl. I thought about it and about what Andrew said. "Yes." "Oh okay... Wait! Did you say yes?!" Chad's eyes were wide open. "Yes. I'd love to go out with you." I smiled weakly. "That's... That's fantastic!" He said joyfully.  Andrew came back and sat down. "Andrew, you won't believe it! She said yes!" Andrew laughed and winked at me.

The day has come. The day of our date. We decided to go to a Italian restaurant. I wanted to eat a pizza. I just braided my hair. Suddenly a knock interrupted me. I got up and opened the door. "Hi Emily." "You are too early Chad!" I chuckled and let him enter the room. "I know. I couldn't wait any longer." He blushed. He's so damn cute! "Luckily I'm done." I laughed and grabbed my key card and purse.
The dinner was great! We laughed so much. It has been a while since I had such a great time. Once I gave up to pay the bill, we went out into the fresh air. "Hey, you want to go to the zoo?" "The zoo? It's almost 9pm! It's not open at this time!" "Actually it has. Some sort of zoo at night." "Sounds great." I agreed to go to the zoo.

Soon we arrived at the zoo and I paid for us. We went to the first exhibition, llamas. I liked them, until they'd spit on you. We went from exhibition to exhibition.
By now we stood in front of a majestic lion. Of course he was asleep. I was fascinated by the animals i saw. Chad's arm found its way to my body. He pulled me closer to him and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Thanks for the night Chad." I said softly. "Don't thank me!" "I have to. Without you I wouldn't have had such a great time." I placed a kiss on his cheek.

We entered the lobby of the hotel and soon we had to say goodbye. "It was a wonderful night." His voice filled the lobby. "Yes it was." It went silent. I didn't wanted to say goodbye, I wanted to be with him. "I guess it's time to say good night." He spoke up. "Yeah... I think so." I stepped closer to him. My hand touched his arm. "I've waited for so long. You have no idea how badly I want this..." He whispered and pressed his lips onto my.

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