The Undertaker [ part1 ]

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My music boomed through the arena, the crowd went wild. How on earth could they like my character? I was a ruthless, asskicking psycho. Well, at least in the ring. Off screen I was all nice and friendly. I went the ramp down to the ring, where my opponent waited for me. Beth Phoenix! We would end our feud today... We had a scripted match for my diva's championship. She wanted it and didn't wanted to give her MY title. The bell rang and we went for each other.
We were almost through the match, as The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels came fighting through the curtain. I looked at Beth, she had also no idea what was actually going on here. The both men were beating the shit out of each other. The ref told us to leave the ring. "Go out! It'll be dangerous!" We left the ring and stood near the ramp. We waited for Mark and Michael to get into the ring, so we could get away. They were at the ring and Beth ran up the ramp. I wanted to follow her, but instead running away, I fell on the floor. I still felt the kick on the back of my head. This goddamn idiot has to pay for this! It took its time until I stood again. The paramedics helped me to stand up. "Who the hell was it??" I asked loud. "Shawn." The man next to me answered, scared to death. I closed my eyes for a while to balance myself. "Come on, let's go Cherry." The paramedics took both of my hands. "No!" I teared myself away from them. I ran back to the ring, climbed in and went over to the fighting men. "Get out there Cherry!!!" I heard the ref. I got closer to them, ducking away from each move that didn't landed on point.

*Undertaker's POV*

I felt a hand on my back, which pushed me away. I was surprised and looked back at...Cherry?! She stepped closer to Michael and punched him right in his face. Ooouuuch
The crowd cheered for her. I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up. "What are you doing Cherry?!" "He fucking kicked in my head!" She snapped at me. I shook my head and brought her back to the backstage area.

*Cherry's POV*

"What was that out there?!" Vince McMahon shouted at me. "He hit me with his sweet chin Music!" I exclaimed. "That's no reason to punch him!" "I should have kicked in his balls!!" "I won't discuss with you any longer! Now we have two change the script!" "That's not my fault!" I shrugged my shoulders and left Vince's office.

The authors had to work under high pressure to get a new script, which now included me. It was time for RAW and Shawn opened the show. "I'm out here to apologize to Cherry." The crowd was shouting my name. I made my way to the ring, without music. I stood on the apron, bringing the mic toy mouth. "There's nothing you could say to apologize Shawn!" I paused, getting into the ring. "The both of you weren't even supposed to be out there! Let alone to bring a sweet chin Music on me!" I stood in front of him. "I'm sorry for that Cherry! I haven't seen you!" Anger was rising inside. I balled my fist and punched him in his face. An all too familiar music boomed through the arena. "What do you want Taker?!" I really liked Mark, more than I would ever admit, but now I had to hate him for the script. "I have to admit that Cherry is right." He said in his deep, raspy voice. "What?!" Shawn spat. "We weren't supposed to be out there, we weren't even supposed to fight." I smiled victorious. "I swear to god, if you touch me again Michaels, I'll come for you and then you know what hell is!!" I spat at Shawn and left the ring.

I just changed in some clean and comfortable clothes and went to the catering. I wanted to watch the match of Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker.
The match was almost at its end and this damn smile on my face wouldn't go away. "What are you smiling at Cherry?" I startled by Beth's voice. "Gosh! Elizabeth!" I laughed and she sat down next to me. "Still got that crush on Mark??" My eye were wide open, my jaw dropped. How the fuck could she know it?! "Crush? On Mark? Good joke!" I tried to play it off. "You're quite the bad liar." She chuckled. "C'mon I know it. Just be honest to me." Her warm smile comforted me. "Yeah maybe..." I whispered. "Does he know it?" "God no!!!" "Thought so. Why don't you tell him?" "Because he's the Deadman? Because he just got out of a divorce? Because it's me?!" "Yeah it's you. You like each other, so where's the problem?" She asked, but I hesitated to answer. "I don't want to lose him..." I said more to myself than to Beth.

The weeks went by, the new script came to its end. It was the last tag team match of Shawn Michaels and Kelly Kelly against The Undertaker and me. Kelly was my all-time enemy. She hated me like no one else in this company, that's why she brought up the idea of a few tag team matches.

I just pinned Kelly Kelly for the win. Taker and I celebrated our last tag team match and the win. It was great to fight with a man, even if it was just for a few weeks. It was great to be near Mark. I finally had to admit it, I fell in love with him...

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