Karl Anderson [ part 1 ]

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Did ever someone cheated on you? Well, my now ex boyfriend did. He excused himself saying that I was away from home almost the whole year. Well, I was away for around 300 days a year and I was away from MY home. We never lived together and I actually never planned on changing that. Maybe it was my own fault that he banged a random chick. Anyways, I wasn't as hurt as I thought I would be. It actually didn't bothered me. Maybe it was because of my job, that I wasn't shocked or hurt. Maybe my job was the reason why I didn't loved my boyfriend anymore.

It has been 3 or 4 years since I had my last relationship. I didn't wanted to hurt another man. I decided that I wouldn't get another relationship until I end my carrier. But I also didn't need a man, I had wonderful friends in this company!
"Emily!" I heard one of my friends yell, I stopped and waited for him. "What's up Chad?" I smiled at him. "Andrew, Shinsuke and I want to go to a pub near by. I heard they have amazing pretzels there!" I smiled. I loved pretzels!! "You don't have to say anything more! I'm in!" "Thought so! See you after Smackdown."

Smackdown was over and I changed in some normal clothes like a jeans and a sweatshirt. We all decided to bring our stuff to the hotel first.
So now I was waiting for my friends. I actually knew how this night would be. Karl would try to get me out for a date. He had a crush on me and we all knew it. Luke Gallows always tried to persuade me to give him a chance. I would! Don't misunderstand me, I reall, really liked Chad. But I promised myself to never hurt someone again!

We were in this pub and I ate over 10 pretzels. Chad and Shinsuke were at the bar, getting some drinks. "Why don't you just go out with him?" Andrew asked out of nowhere. "Because I can't." I said softly. Gosh, I wish I could! But in the end I would be the one, who hurts him. "Just give it a try, Emily!" "Please Andrew, stop it. I just can't." I fought my feelings, I wanted to cry so bad. "Why? Talk to me Boo." I loved it when he called me Boo. I hesitated. He doesn't knew about the promise. "I... I promised myself not to date anyone." I stuttered. "Why? Because of this EC3 guy?" "Yes... Because of Michael." "Forget about it! He's an idiot." I chuckled. He was right. Of course Michael was a great guy, don't get me wrong. But he doesn't liked things about me, he actually does himself. "You have to get over it! Live your life and love again!" Andrew hugged me. I knew he was right. "If you only knew..." I whispered. "You like him aren't you?" I nodded slightly. "Yeah, thought so." He giggled. "But I can't hurt him!" "Why do you think you'll hurt him?" "I did it all the time. I never had a long relationship!" "Don't worry. I bet this time it won't be the same." I moved my head up. Luke was smiling at. "Just give it a try."

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