Penned Thoughts

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Three stars out of five for the creative story idea.

Author: Iridescent_Diadem

Genre: Teen Fiction


From the start, I absolutely loved the idea of the story. It's creative and unique. I really like the way this story shows the power of words, how they can break you down, and how they can lift you up.

The settings and characters are vividly described. It's easy to picture them in your mind's eye.

I would suggest to the author to get some help with the grammar and language usage. The use of informal language as well as slang (words like "yea") should also be looked at and edited. Remember! We only use informal language when we speak.

After the revelation of the poet and admirer's identity, Brandon stops writing poems and they don't write notes to each other anymore. I feel that this breaks away from the theme of writing notes, which should perhaps be continued in order to create that consistency until the end of the book. A theme is meant to be carried throughout the book to bind all the events together as one idea, after all.

There are places where it felt like the author expected the reader to know what was going on without much information given. This created confusion until confessions were made by some of the characters. I wouldn't focus on fixing this too much though, since a little mystery is still okay.

I think the author could work on making dialogue seem more natural. Envision the conversation between the characters in your mind, see it as something that actually happens in front of you and ask yourself, "Is this believable?"
I hope this helps.

With a little work, this story is going to be a great book!

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