The Irish Emporium

32 4 2

Three out of five stars for the concept of this book.

Author: RobynTheWriter827

Genre: Historical Fiction


I like the idea of this book. It has such potential to be further developed into a good book.

The plot is moving a little fast for me. I believe this is due to the short chapters. However, there are plenty of readers who prefer short chapters.

I can't really say that the settings are described well enough for me to be able to visualize them. I'm struggling to imagine the little village, the cottage where Claire lives and Mrs O'Reilly's cottage.

Claire seems to be a goody-two-shoes who would do anything for her family. To me, that's where her personality ends. What does she like? What doesn't she like? Does she have any dreams or hobbies outside the emporium?

The sudden flashback in chapter 4 seems like it was just squeezed in to make the chapter longer. Apart from the fact that it gives the author an excuse not to share what is happening on the cart during the short-lived journey, I can't see how it contributes to the plot. Instead of lapsing into that long detailed explanation of where the shawl came from, the author could simply have replaced “A sharp, cold breeze whipped my chestnut waves behind me, and I snuggled deeper into my woolly grey shawlwith something like “A sharp, cold breeze whipped my chestnut waves behind me. I snuggled into my favourite wooly shawl that my father had gotten me for my eleventh birthday.”

Obviously, Claire has been helping out at the emporium before her mother fell ill. This would give her a lot of knowledge about the emporium and how business is done. However, she shows poor knowledge in this. She claims that they don't have food, yet later bakes bread for the emporium which leads me to wondering why she didn't just bake bread for them to eat.

The lack of detail about how Sean stole Claire's stock leads to much confusion. I kept wondering whether they were in an accident and why Claire couldn't remember anything.

In conclusion, the idea of this book is great. With a little bit of work, the story might reach it's full potential.

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