Drowning in my world

45 6 2

Three stars out of five because the poet used their own raw emotion to write.

Author: jayashreethulasidoss

Genre: Poetry


Because this is a poetry book, I took time to read all the poems. These are the three that stood out to me.

Dark or light?
I appreciated how the poet applied the symbolism to the poem, however, it confused me. I couldn't distinguish between which (light or dark) symbolised what aspect of the poem. I found the language a bit informal for a poem.

This poem is beautifully written. The poet's word choice is very effective. However, the excessive repetition of the question mark suggests frustration rather than emphasis.

The DAY stood out to me because of the impressive contrasts and creative metaphors used. This poem is my absolute favourite because of the chaotic, yet simplified way the relationship between the two people in the poem is described. To me, it has this quantum physical vibe. Of course, the mood of a poem always varies depending on what the poet intended and how each reader interprets that same poem.

The author truly has poetic talent. I would suggest working on your writing style and not focusing on one theme for several poems since this becomes obvious and causes all the poems to have similar meanings (which may bore your readers). Your talent is an unpolished, uncut, rough gem. Keep working at it to achieve your full potential as a poet!

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