Not The Sleeping Beauty

55 4 8

Five stars out of five for this wonderfully portrayed romance.

Author: karinberry

Genre: Romance/LGBTQ


Wow. The creativity behind the chosen words in literally every part of the book astounds me. There is not one part of descriptive language that I didn't find beautiful.

The plot is not only simple and easy to follow, but fun too as the story takes place in the Amazon. The humor used in the book is placed well, lightening up the mood every now and then when it gets sad or serious.

I love the way the author incorporated facts about the Amazon into the book. It allows the reader to believe that the author knows her stuff (and her characters too).

While Luuk doesn't even try to hide his affection for Jona, this is exactly what Jona does. In a way, they are very alike and also very different. I liked this because it's so realistic and I found that I could visualize them as real. The author surpassed my expectations of their relationship. This is the kind of relationship everyone wants to read about.

Usually characters like Aaron, are jealous and wouldn't even think of supporting their crush's relationship with someone else. It is not the case, however, as he encourages Jona's relationship with Luuk. This is indicative of Aaron's love for Jona, since he only wants him to be happy.

I loved how the author successfully used poetic imagery in the book. It only strengthened descriptions and my understanding of Luuk's character, as well as Jona's.

This book is realistic, beautiful and does not dissapoint. I'm sure members of the LGBTQ community will agree!

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