
20 2 11

Four out of five stars because of the unexpected mix in of genres that make this book unique!

Author: hcwilhelm

Genre: Science fiction


A lot of crucial information is revealed in chapter one and two, and only after that does the action actually begin. It is hard to attract and keep readers if a story starts this way.

The settings and characters are described in plain words that make it easier to understand and imagine what they look like.

Personally, I couldn't choose a favourite character because I couldn't find one that I related to the most. As a main character, Ava is a strong independent person. She likes to appear as if she doesn't need anyone and she doesn't easily trust anyone either — she's continually looking for people's weaknesses. She also reveals this ever present distrust when Mika starts acting differently towards her after their truce. Ava is also in a strong habit of hiding her emotions (this may only happen around or because of Marc, but she has made a few mistakes around other people as well when she tried to hide her true thoughts).

Use shorter, less complex sentences when explaining things.

In chapter eleven, the referral to they/them when Ava fights the black rabbit, confused me. It made me think she was fighting more than one person, when in reality, she was fighting only one.

The fitting title refers to an individual self identity. It cleverly refers to Ava's problem.

Action, romance, magic... All things unexpected in a sci-fi. Yet, I find this most enriching to this enthralling tale!

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