Perfectly Wrong

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Three stars out of five because of the creative idea for the plot and supporting LGBTQ!

Author: -emmahayley-

Genre: Fanfiction


The plot seems a little slow — 7 chapters and the enmity between Estelle and Hermione is still strong as ever.

The settings and characters (aside from Umbridge) aren't described at all. The author is relying on the reader's knowledge about the Harry Potter series to know what the settings and characters look like.

Estelle Jennings is a fun character. She is often up to no good, but still has a good side to her. She loves her friends and decides to do something about Umbridge, who's taking over the school.

The author needs to work on grammar and spelling.

The author sticks true to the original storylines, which is important for any work of Fanfiction.

With a bit of work, this book can reach its full potential.

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