
10 2 2

Four stars out of five for this thrilling book!

Author: growingupinsane

Genre: Mystery/Romance


The innocence in the prologue is perfectly portrayed. It reflects the world from a child's view so realistically and then it gets darker with the ominous summary of the two friends' future twenty years later.

The settings and characters are well-described. I could easily picture them in my mind.

Donna Lazaro / Delphinium Tiger is an excellent main character. She exudes a type of confidence only a model can have, yet is humble at the same time. Her insecurities surface whenever she experiences conflict about her feelings for Axel and Michael.

So far, the author has done a marvelous job at hiding Milano's identity. I have been unable to guess who he might be and I hope to be surprised by the end of the book.

I would recommend editing in order to be rid of the few grammar mistakes made.

This is an absolutely amazing book for anyone who enjoys mystery and romance... A real thrill!

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